2700/2800/2900 Block - A place to come and share events and remember the times on Wilcox Street
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Berry Gordy, Jr., founder of Motown Records, the most successful Black-owned record company ever, was born in Detroit, MI,November 24, 1929.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
“Love is your job description – no matter what you do for a living. If you ever feel unsure of what you’re supposed to do in a situation, here’s a good rule of thumb: always do what leads to greater love.”—Marci Shimoff
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sundays - A Look into the Mind of Glenn
A Curve Ball
Life has a way of throwing a curve ball at you. How hard you knock that ball back towards life is the real test. Catching the ball is easy thats why we carry so much anger and weight. Throw it away or knock it out the park. Head for home base. Where the Diamond as a sign of Power. -Glenn1966A.D.-
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
The first Black dental organization, the Washington Society of Colored Dentists, was founded in Washington, DC, in November of 1900.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey
Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. Sitting Bull
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Sundays - A Look Into the Mind of Glenn
Friday, November 11, 2011
Fridays Natural Vision with Verna Steele
1 Corn 13:1 reads: When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. (NLT) My past is what it is MY PAST, although it’s behind me, it still serves as an excellent tools to make others aware of the power of Decisions making.
Somewhere along the way I heard this statement that changed my way of thinking. “A LESSON NOT LEARNED IS A LESSON REPEATED” and I must add that it’s not your experience that you have to learn from. Often times I’m teased about my life style, My statement of being “ Kingdom without compromising” my “non-negotiable” unwillingness to relent from the principles, values and lifestyle as a kingdom believer AKA Christian.
My confession of salvation is not a just for public confession to impress man, I purpose to have a heart posture that lives what I believe and what I often try to inspire others to do. God’s word is not a bunch of poetic words of thus and thou, simple quotations, or clichés of” When I think of his goodness”, but a road map for life, The choice to go down the road wide and destructive or the road of the straight and narrow, The power of Decision making.
I’ve made several unhealthy decisions and in some stages of my life I walked in shame and now I rejoice in them. The unhealthy relationships, being a teen Mom, dropping out of High school, selling drugs, going to prison, and even not fully giving God the same devotion that he gives me.
Why do I rejoice, because it has become a testimony of overcoming obstacles, it’s a lesson learned that I can share, because I love my children, Because I’ve established priceless relationships; Because the decisions I’ve made reminds me that every decision made effects more than just me.
In conclusion, Remember that The power of decision making can build or destroy, encourage or discourage, uplift or tear down, It can cause life and something death……. Your ability and willingness to make wise decisions can set the stage and alter the course from destruction to a path of greatness for the next generation.
Love V
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
You will never redeem the pain without exhaustive processing!!! Dont let your pain define you!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Fridays - Natural Vision with Verna Steele
I was given an opportunity to facilitated a Re affirmation (wedding vow renewal) ceremony on October 23rd. This event consisted of 23 couples. All of which were black and the number of years married ranged from 1-36yrs, with the majority over 15yrs. The entire process of putting it together was overwhelming yet exciting. The end result was priceless and well worth the challenge of making it happen. The minister that facilitated the ceremony came from very familiar passages of scripture.
- When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing and obtains favor with God Pr.18:22
- Therefore a man shall leave his Father and mother cleave unto his wife Gen 2:24
- Wife submit yourself to your own husband as you do unto the Lord and it goes on to say Husband love your wife like Christ loves the church Ref to :Eph 5:22-25
These scriptures are commonly used in these settings however, in this particular ceremony a greater emphasis on what love is not. Those words were life altering for me especially being one that has based so many decisions from a feeling, from an emotional place, one sided expectations and ultimately I found myself hurt and confused about what happen, what did I miss. Now, I realize that it was a place of self deception. My emotions, feelings and own desires.
He stated that “ LOVE IS NOT A FEELING, IT’S A COMMITMENT” he went on to say that if we based OUR ability and ones capacity to love; on a feeling than we are headed for great disappointment, because feelings change from one moment to the next. That was a moment of truth; I believe that when we are presented with truth the responsibility to apply it is just as important as our next breath. We must be willing to put in the work to see it to the finish no matter what.
How do you define love?
Is it an action word?
Does Love have limitation?
PS. I would be doing you an injustice if I didn’t mention one important key.
God is love; he’s the greatest, purest example of love. Without him abiding in the heart of man, man can’t love himself, and if he can’t love himself, than he can’t love you and vice versa, meditate on these things
Love you much –
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sundays - A Look into the mind of Glenn
Men of God know that the mircle if God is in what we speak when we start and End our Day. Leaving Room in between our day to recieve the Blessing. The Power in the Word of God is the Faith unseen. Thus when Brother's praise and thank God in the World today. That is a Miracle of how Awesome God is. Because Men of God know thou have Blessed us. I hope you all hear me. This Miracle is Powerful when we understand what we acheived today just being a Blackman. Amen. The Greatest example of a Hero for young blackmen today is to witness God from the mouth of Other Brothers. ~Glenn1966A.D.~
Friday, October 28, 2011
Fridays - Natural Vision with Verna Steele
Dreams Deferred
Often times we find ourselves in a place where we feel like giving up, it seem like life throws more curve balls than you have the HANDS to catch. Just when you feel like you’ve finally aligned some things in your life. You have every “T” Crossed and “I” dotted, You hit spell check (life assessment) and realize that there are other grammatical errors that you missed because you were only focused on the norm… The “T’s” and the “I’s”… Often times we work on things that are familiar, things that only matter to man, (The church FOLK, our family, co-workers, and Friends) but we very seldom take that time to acknowledge, access and amend, To focus on what’s important to God.
We have dreams and aspirations, and sometime more often than not we share our dreams with others and in the midst of the audience there are dream killers, people there to verbalize or suggest that what we desire is only obtainable in our dream realm, and will never become a reality.
In a recent settings I was asked what my goals were, what I desire, I painted a very vivid picture of what I desire and instantly something shifted and God made me aware of the dream killers in my midst and immediately placed a GAG order over my mouth. I realized that although I’m a dreamer like others we all don’t have the faith to see it through, to see the reality of what is possible, and when we allow doubt and unbelief of others to sow seed of doubt in us we tend to allow our dreams to be aborted, To die, and even be buried in the cave of, if I would’ve, could’ve, should’ve.
It is important to have a plan, write the plan, and take the necessary steps to make it possible, even if that means cutting some ties, cutting loose some relationships, it’s important to position yourself, associate with like minded people, who desire the upward movement of progression. Your dreams are obtainable, your dreams are accessible, your dreams can become a reality, it’s all up to you. There is a season for all we desire and we must be willing to put in the work, not faint and trust God’s leading and direction. DON’T ALLOW YOUR DREAMS TO BE DEFERRED BECAUSE SOMEONE DECIDED TO SLEEP AND NOT DREAM.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesdays - Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Xavier University, the first and only Black Catholic College in the United States, opened in New Orleans, LA in 1915.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
Don't go where your life takes you. Take your life where you want to go.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sunday - A Look into the Mind of Glenn
Stop acting as if your dead.....
If Back in the day is a burden when you have now grew to Regret your life without giving yourself A self trial. THEN Have your regret,s for not taking that chance to change your life!! . Relax your mind. Let it live for a second because then you will never regret taking more time to take more chances to Change. Embrace Changing your Life. Stop acting as if you are dead.. Live without Regret. How Human of you to do so. -Glenn1966A.D.-
If Back in the day is a burden when you have now grew to Regret your life without giving yourself A self trial. THEN Have your regret,s for not taking that chance to change your life!! . Relax your mind. Let it live for a second because then you will never regret taking more time to take more chances to Change. Embrace Changing your Life. Stop acting as if you are dead.. Live without Regret. How Human of you to do so. -Glenn1966A.D.-
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
WGPR-TV of Detroit, MI, the first Black-owned television station in the United States, began broadcasting on this date in 1975.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
Poverty is a weapon of mass destruction. When basic needs are not met, it creates a sense of neediness which transfers into defeat. Many are living defeated lives because they have developed a sense of unworthiness based on a lifetime of deprivation. It's the way of the world to create callous souls who lack compassion and mercy. The power to defeat all forms of deception lies within. Dig deep into the abyss where you will find the ability and knowledge to defeat all forms of deception in the world. The bread of life is not made from yeast!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sundays - A Look Into the Mind of Glenn
Do you really know how your day will end? I have a load of tool's i put to use everyday . I have a Light that is my guide it is more brighter then the sun, and give me daylight at night. Even i do not know how my day will end. But im blessed to have these tool's to keep me safe, help me Square my action's and stay Level. Imagine having nothing everyday? My question would be to you, How long you been Walking Dead? If you have nothing to offer Life then start with your own Life stop wasting other's with the space you are taking up. Got Light?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Fridays - Natural Vision by Verna Steele
Worth: The goodness, usefulness, or importance of something or somebody, irrespective of financial value or wealth
While in observation mood, I was observing behaviors and mindset of the women I encounter. “Mothers, Aunts, sisters, nieces, children, cousins, co-workers, friends, FB updates and my own”. Just seeing and hearing the cry of the heart that is muted by the state of our mindset(s) has compelled me to scribe about our worth.
On a majority we wear garments of hurt, pain, disappointment, rejection, inability to forgive, guilt, shame, and lack of trust and many more emotions all hidden under layers of self deceptions. Our attire, various types of addictions (sex, food, shopping, drinking, smoking, clubs, hair styles just to name a few) boldness(loud, no one can tell you anything) and sometime reserved behavior, (refuse to speak out) and an inability to commit or care from a wholesome place, this behavior has become our weapon of warfare, and oftentimes (on a majority) the enemy is the “INNER ME”.
The Creation of the woman is priceless. The bible says that God created the woman.
we were created for a purpose and a plan. In the Christian world to say I am a proverbs 31 woman is so cliché’, we often claim that I am a Proverbs 31 woman when in fact Proverbs 31 was written by a woman to her son ( read it again) and it revealed 2 types of women . Which one are you?, Some may answer that they are neither one, or can identify with both. Not truly having the true Identity of who you are
I realized that we need help (women) Our emotions oftentimes speak louder than OUR PRAYERS, OUR DECREES, OUR CONFESSION AND THE VOWS WE’VE MADE. We often time see the trees but forgetting that multiple trees create the forest
Recently, I have been confronted with some of the truth(s) of my past and some of my own behaviors that deceived me into believing that “ALL IS WELL”.
I'm growing and I'm challenging myself to be whole and healed so that I can walk in wholeness...we have developed vices to cope with what needs to exposed, and evicted from our lives.
Our worth can never be limited to the outer appearance, material things, dysfunctional relationship(s), accepting being treated beneath the standards that God set for us,
We were created to Love, Nurture, Inspire, Birth amongst other things and We must realize that we are worthy of Love, Honor, Praise …etc. We must see ourselves through the eyes of God in order to align the truth with our walk. Until we come into the realization of our self worth their will not be a healthy reproduction of woman of worth and the result will be generational bondage and continual dysfunction to the generation to come.
What are we saying to our sisters, daughter, and other young women that look at us for guidance?
What do you see in the mirror of life when you access yourself?
Woman/women be encouraged and spent time with you loving you and facing some of the demons that stand strong in your “inner me” remember you are a woman of worth, you are good, you are beautiful, you are useful, you are important, and most important you are valuable.
Love Verna -
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Crispus Attucks escaped from the clutches of his Massachusetts slaveholder on this date in 1750. In 1770, Attucks was the first person to die in the Boston Massacre. He and over 5,000 Blacks fought in the American Revolution.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give you power " Abraham Lincoln
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Sundays - A Look Into the Mind of Glenn
So if today, you have went to church or prayed, Lord take this Thing From me? Or You told God you have Given it all to him! Then why are you still mad? Gods word is his BOND. Trust in it! Let GOD do GOD. You worry about your Faith in God.~
Friday, October 7, 2011
Fridays - Natural Vision by Verna Steele
A lesson not learned, is a lesson repeated
"A lesson not learned is a lesson repeated", I heard this phrase years ago and instantly began to apply it to my life. Not only did I grab hold to the revelation, but I searched the matter out and went a little further by adding, ”The lessons that we learn doesn't have to come from our own experience” There are a few principles that we must apply to our life in order be effective in learning life lessons that doesn't cause negative effects on our lives...
1. Be vigilant: watchful and alert, especially to guard against danger, difficulties,
or errors
2. Practice listening: to pay attention to something and take it into account
Don’t judge another, thinking that the same thing won’t happen to you.
3. Be transparent: completely open and frank about your experiences (failed
and triumph) so that awareness can guide them especially the youth
In our lives especially through misguided teachers (often parents/peers) we have been told to keep things to ourselves, don’t share, what goes on this house stays in this house” to a degree this information is accurate, yet on the other hand these statements have caused generational curses to conditional, dysfunctional behaviors, and destruction to the soul of those that vow not to tell. We’ve made excuses for the behavior of others. “That’s just who they are or how they are”.
At some point we must take the time to re evaluate the decisions we make, the behavior we display, the consequences of our actions, not only to ourselves but to those that love us and those that we are accountable to. Spouses, Children, Parents and others. We must become sober thinkers and reactors not a people that assume without accessing….. Search out the truth and began to apply it.
Another Definition for insanity is, to do the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result….
Right !!!...
At the end of each scribe, my hearts desire is that something I say, something I reveal with cause someone to re evaluate, ponder, and shift in their thinking. If 1 person is changed that my scribing is not in vain.
Love you much.
Keep growing and put God first !
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wednesays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Bessie Smith, renowned blues singer, died from injuries due to a car accident in Clarksdale, MS, on this date in 1937. She, along with Scott Joplin and Duke Ellington, is credited with bringing jazz and blues to major Northern cities in the 1920's.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
Who are you and what do you represent? We are always examples in our environment, whether positive or negative!! REPRESENT...do it Righteously!!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sundays A Look Into the Mind of Glenn
Did the youngest of father,s & mother,s know that the heart of the child not only pump,s their blood. But also the do the Will & Trust of them that call them self Parent,s. The Title was more then Sperm & Breast Milk. Young People!! It is Life Blessed by God. Honor it for you only offend your Children if you dont. ~ Glenn1966A.D.~
Friday, September 30, 2011
Fridays Natural Vision by Verna Steele
I was at a workshop last weekend in Michigan and the speaker made a statement that was so profound, I was stirred to meditate on it for a while “Change is not coming to you it has to come through you” I pondered on it for awhile and began to think about the current state of the youth. I was looking at my 12yr old granddaughter and thought to myself how innocent she was.
My thought shifted to my life at 12yrs old. At that moment my heart was saddened. I thought about how 1yr later at the age of 13 I was having A life altering conversation with my mom. (I was pregnant) and than at the age of 30yrs old I was faced with the reality that my mom was faced with. (My 13yr old daughter was pregnant)
I know right!!!
At some point in our lives we must be willing to be transparent and true about the mental, physical and emotional capacity of our life and society as whole. when we refuse to advance in our capacity to care, inform and be accountable it opens the door for Generational occurrences. We must be an example of right standards, and it all starts with our state of mind
When did it become acceptable for our children to drink and smoke with us
When did it become acceptable for our children to use profanity and or open disrespect their Elders. They call it freedom of expression
When did we stop setting standards and boundaries for our Children.
What we say and do impacts more than just us, Generations are effected by one decision, action
I was talking to an acquaintance on the phone (at least 45yr old) she spoke so negatively about the children, problem after problem and in the midst of the conversation I asked her when did you get here. When did you stop caring about the state of this generation, please remember that you were a teen mom, One that had the support of a mother and that the children of today’s society need someone that is willing to not magnify the negative but be apart of the solution.
If you spend your filled with negativity and a compromising nature, you can never be support system for anyone.
Today’s youth are a product of our behavior and the lack of positive reinforcement. Somewhere we lost values, morals, responsibility and accountability. We celebrate death more than we do life, on the majority we’re more concerned with the exterior of the youth rather than his/her hearts posture.
There is a serious need for reevaluation and while doing so remember this
“Change is not coming to you it has to come through you”
I was at a workshop last weekend in Michigan and the speaker made a statement that was so profound, I was stirred to meditate on it for a while “Change is not coming to you it has to come through you” I pondered on it for awhile and began to think about the current state of the youth. I was looking at my 12yr old granddaughter and thought to myself how innocent she was.
My thought shifted to my life at 12yrs old. At that moment my heart was saddened. I thought about how 1yr later at the age of 13 I was having A life altering conversation with my mom. (I was pregnant) and than at the age of 30yrs old I was faced with the reality that my mom was faced with. (My 13yr old daughter was pregnant)
I know right!!!
At some point in our lives we must be willing to be transparent and true about the mental, physical and emotional capacity of our life and society as whole. when we refuse to advance in our capacity to care, inform and be accountable it opens the door for Generational occurrences. We must be an example of right standards, and it all starts with our state of mind
When did it become acceptable for our children to drink and smoke with us
When did it become acceptable for our children to use profanity and or open disrespect their Elders. They call it freedom of expression
When did we stop setting standards and boundaries for our Children.
What we say and do impacts more than just us, Generations are effected by one decision, action
I was talking to an acquaintance on the phone (at least 45yr old) she spoke so negatively about the children, problem after problem and in the midst of the conversation I asked her when did you get here. When did you stop caring about the state of this generation, please remember that you were a teen mom, One that had the support of a mother and that the children of today’s society need someone that is willing to not magnify the negative but be apart of the solution.
If you spend your filled with negativity and a compromising nature, you can never be support system for anyone.
Today’s youth are a product of our behavior and the lack of positive reinforcement. Somewhere we lost values, morals, responsibility and accountability. We celebrate death more than we do life, on the majority we’re more concerned with the exterior of the youth rather than his/her hearts posture.
There is a serious need for reevaluation and while doing so remember this
“Change is not coming to you it has to come through you”
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Dr. Mary Church Terrell, was the first Black person to serve on the Washington, DC, Board of Education and the first President of the National Association of Colored Women.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.
- Unknown
- Unknown
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sundays, A Look into the mind of Glenn
So what if you wake up start your day and sit back sipping your coffee. Then your doorbell ring you get a book with your name written in Gold and outside your love ones await your soul to go with them. God blessed the Soul ready for Heaven ~Glenn1966A.D.~
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday's Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Florence Griffith Joyner (Flo Jo), legendary track star, died in Santa Monica, CA, on this date in 1998. At the time of her death Joyner held world records in the women's 100 and 200 meter dashes.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
" The tongue can be your worst enemy! Your word, your dreams, and your thoughts have power to create conditions in your life. What you speak about, you can bring about!' -
Mackey Thompson
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday's Inside the Mind of Glenn
Stop acting as if your dead -
If Back in the day is a burden when you have now grew to Regret your life without giving yourself A self trial. THEN Have your regret's for not taking that chance to change your life!! .
Relax your mind. Let it live for a second because then you will never regret taking more time to take more chances to Change. Embrace Changing your Life. Stop acting as if you are dead.. Live without Regret. How Human of you to do so.
If Back in the day is a burden when you have now grew to Regret your life without giving yourself A self trial. THEN Have your regret's for not taking that chance to change your life!! .
Relax your mind. Let it live for a second because then you will never regret taking more time to take more chances to Change. Embrace Changing your Life. Stop acting as if you are dead.. Live without Regret. How Human of you to do so.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Brandy Williams - Wednesdays Black Historical Facts
On Sept 13th-Slaves in Gloucester County, VA, staged one of the first documented slave rebellions on this date in 1663.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
It is our desires that limit the scope of our self-realization, hinder our extension of consciousness, and give rise to sin, which is the innermost barrier that keeps us apart from our God, setting up disunion and arrogance of exclusiveness. For sin
Friday, September 9, 2011
Verna Steele's Natural Vision - STICKS AND STONES
The Effects Of Spoken Words
At church on Wednesday night I asked God what is the subject for this week’s
"The Wilcox Street Blog".
The topic that came to mind was “Sticks and Stones ", the effects of spoken words." I immediately drew a blank, not that I’m not familiar with it, I have been on both sides of this coin, words reaped and words sown. I just couldn't formulate the words to make someone understand the power of words.
I trusted God to give me wisdom to articulate this in such a way that the reader(s) would take a self examination to reflect on their life and how words have affected them and the impact that words have had on them. Especially negative words sown in our lives that caused our mindsets to be shaped into a mood of arrested development.
Today I was faced with a situation that was so cutting that I realized not only was this a test but it challenged me to seek wisdom in dealing with the words that were thrown back and forth. This conversation was so devastating because it was with someone I love (my child). The blame game, unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness that spawn through the emails were so overwhelming. For every sentence written to me I was compelled to write two. This happened to the point my child said “I don't care if I ever see you again.” With tears in my eyes I said, "no more."
I stepped away and began to pray and seek God for wisdom in dealing with this situation. In my natural/fleshly nature, the response would have been, "fine with me", let's do this, let’s see who can hold out the longest." I was determined, in my flesh, to come into agreement with a demonic force from hell that was assigned to destroy relationship(s), cause division between families. (husband and wives, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, sisters and brothers) and have us walk in unforgiveness toward one another. The spirit of God ministered these words to me, “apologizing is simply admitting wrong was done. It does not erase the words spoken or the affects of those words.”
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Whatever words we sow is what we will reap and more often than not it comes from people that you love and admire.
I'm challenging myself and you to be mindful of the words that we speak in the heat of the moment, when our aim is to win the battle, don't fight dirty with words of destruction. I will purpose to uplift you and not tear you down, encourage you and not discourage, strengthen you and not be a source of weakness to you.
I remember when we were children. When someone would say words to hurt us, we would say, "Sticks and Stones might break my bones, but your words will never hurt me.”
Think on these things and let's purpose to mature. It starts with accountability.
Verna -
At church on Wednesday night I asked God what is the subject for this week’s
"The Wilcox Street Blog".
The topic that came to mind was “Sticks and Stones ", the effects of spoken words." I immediately drew a blank, not that I’m not familiar with it, I have been on both sides of this coin, words reaped and words sown. I just couldn't formulate the words to make someone understand the power of words.
I trusted God to give me wisdom to articulate this in such a way that the reader(s) would take a self examination to reflect on their life and how words have affected them and the impact that words have had on them. Especially negative words sown in our lives that caused our mindsets to be shaped into a mood of arrested development.
Today I was faced with a situation that was so cutting that I realized not only was this a test but it challenged me to seek wisdom in dealing with the words that were thrown back and forth. This conversation was so devastating because it was with someone I love (my child). The blame game, unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness that spawn through the emails were so overwhelming. For every sentence written to me I was compelled to write two. This happened to the point my child said “I don't care if I ever see you again.” With tears in my eyes I said, "no more."
I stepped away and began to pray and seek God for wisdom in dealing with this situation. In my natural/fleshly nature, the response would have been, "fine with me", let's do this, let’s see who can hold out the longest." I was determined, in my flesh, to come into agreement with a demonic force from hell that was assigned to destroy relationship(s), cause division between families. (husband and wives, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, sisters and brothers) and have us walk in unforgiveness toward one another. The spirit of God ministered these words to me, “apologizing is simply admitting wrong was done. It does not erase the words spoken or the affects of those words.”
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Whatever words we sow is what we will reap and more often than not it comes from people that you love and admire.
I'm challenging myself and you to be mindful of the words that we speak in the heat of the moment, when our aim is to win the battle, don't fight dirty with words of destruction. I will purpose to uplift you and not tear you down, encourage you and not discourage, strengthen you and not be a source of weakness to you.
I remember when we were children. When someone would say words to hurt us, we would say, "Sticks and Stones might break my bones, but your words will never hurt me.”
Think on these things and let's purpose to mature. It starts with accountability.
Verna -
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Jackie Robinson, the first Black baseball player in the major leagues, he was commemorated on a U.S. postage stamp on on August 2nd 1982--the fifth in its Black Heritage USA series
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Rest in Peace
Today one of our beloved friends and family died. Please pray for Devonne Polks family today. Pray for peace and love to enfold his family and friends today. Devonne was loved by all, and was a huge influence to his community. We will miss him greatly and hope to be able to be such a shining example to others like he was.
Friends, please always remember, life is but a moment in time. Please keep one another safe and hold each other close. This needless act of violence has ruined a family and a community of loved ones, please love each other and reach out to the Polk family. We love you all!!!
Love and Peace Family
Glenn Lewis and the Wilcox Street Family
Friday, September 2, 2011
Verna Steele's Natural Vision
During my time of devotion today, The spirit of God ask me a simple question .... " Who taught you how to change a light bulb?" My answer after thinking long and hard was this " No one, I learned through observation", Exactly: Wisdom says this..... Majority of what our generation and the next generation has learn or and wil do is based on observation: Our lives, how we live is a training session for the next generation, "it is not a rehearsal" although some errors will be made. I decided today (NOT AS A CHRISTAIN), but as as a Kingdom believer, as an instructor of life to my Leaders, Elders, Peers, Subordinates, Family, Friends and prehaps some others, I will purpose to live a life that will inspire change, especially in the lives of the Youth: QUESTION: What are they observing when they encounter you !!!!... Think on These things
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
James Benton Parsons, an appointee of President John F. Kennedy, became the first Black person to receive a lifetime appointment as a U.S. District Court Judge on August 9th, 1961.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
"A wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountaintop." -Unkown
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sundays - A Look Into The Mind Of Glenn
Simple as That or Just words?
Talk to your brother give him advice and love.
If he do not know the proper way to go about getting advice to help himself.
Show him the way. How can you claim Light and let a Brother fall back into the Dark?
What we say we do. Make good Men into Better Men!!!
That is a goal I make my duty to hold . This should go without question.
My Love for the Fraturnity has always been because of the Love of our Brethren and Mankind. So Mote It Be
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wednesdays - Brandy Williams Black Historical Facts
- August 8th - Matthew A. Henson, explorer and the first person to reach the North Pole, was born in Culver City, MD, on this date in 1866.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
Wisdom.... She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who retain her. Proverbs 3:18
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sundays - A Look into the Mind of Glenn
The Great positive deeds that are New.
Is Blessed by God when doing these Great Deeds for the Greater Good of Mankind.
I speak a Lot about Community Village Pride.
Its one thing to live there and do Nothing
but to leave and do something to give back deserve the Moral Merit .
Dont just talk about it be about it.
~ Glenn1966A.D.~
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Prayer Request for today!!
Please keep Kym in your prayers, she has been in the hospital all week. She is still fighting colon cancer and they are making sure it hasn't spread. Please life her up in your prayers, we ask for peace, and strength for Kym and her family, in Jesus Name!
Peace and Love,
Glenn Lewis and the Wilcox Street Family
Peace and Love,
Glenn Lewis and the Wilcox Street Family
A Lesson in disguise ...... Submitted by Verna Steele
He was talking and laughing but I couldn't see who it was he was talking to, he asked the Question!?
So what did you learn in school, and out of no where this lil Goldie locks baby girl jump in his arms and said daddy, a new song!
He asked her to sing it, SHE BEGIN TO SING "TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR, her voice was beautiful and angelic, the look in his eyes spoke values of love as a father, Man, my heart was filled with so much happiness just watching them, than I realized that you can't judge people through a foggy, dirty window ( your perception) ........
I repented to God and thanked him for the lesson learned today!! What lesson have you learned today !!!.... A lesson not learned is a lesson repeated!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Prayer Requests
Pray for Victoria Knicely's daughter Sammi, she had a seizure and fell and injured her head.
Pray for Tiffany and her 5yr old son Jayden, he has a tumor on his brain stem and they will have to remove it.
Please continue to pray for the follow people this week
Pray for my Uncle Gulliver McCray Sr., pray for speedy recovery
Pray for the Mackey family for the loss of their loved one, Anita Pearl Mackey
Pray for Reginald Benton's Father Simon Jones Jr., as he is fighting cancer.
- Pray for Chuck Knicely for his chronic pain to stop, pray for his continual healing
Pray for Becky Peterson for a healthy and safe 1st pregnancy
Pray for Paul and Sara Schneider during their time of grief, there unborn child went to be with the Lord this week, pray for peace.
Are you, or some else in need of prayer? Then leave us a message on the blog or on our FB wall and we will post it weekly for you.
Peace and Love,
Glenn Lewis and The Wilcox Street Family
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesdays - Brandy Williams, Black Historical Facts
- August 7th-Charles Henry Mahoney, was confirmed by the Senate as the first Black delegate to the United Nations on this date in 1954.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
People who mock dont like themselves! Instead of pointing fingers and complaining, try looking in the mirror and learning to love what you see. If you have bad habits, work on making good ones. Love the skin your in!! - Mackey Thompson
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sundays- A Look into the mind of Glenn
It is amazing when thing's in life you just don't get you now get it. But what lesson or way you got it? What will you do with it once you have accepted it?
Knowledge is Power. Ignorance is a Bliss.
Life it self is a selfish journey when you blindly travel with no direction.
If you did'nt get it you might of passed it a long time ago.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesdays - Brandy Williams, Black Historical Facts
Gordon Alexander Buchanan Parks' The Learning Tree, the first contemporary film directed by a Black person, opened on this date in 1969.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
Imagine you being a king and someone convinces you that you are a servant, if you woke up and remembered that you were a King what King would turn the other cheek? The punishment would be worst then death for all of those involved thus we are that King that has been converted into servants and they have ensured that the King will never awake from his slumber, because when he does if he does, the consequences of what they have done can not be assimilated in words. - Mackey Thompson
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sundays - A Look into the Mind of Glenn
This is the time to be still. When to many question's about Life swarm our Hearts.
What we see we don't easily believe. Talk to Who? About what?
Because we are afraid to hear it. The truth do hurt but the raw truth is scary .
When you can not sleep. when you feel that funny uneasy feeling.
And you fear reaching out to your family or even a minister.
What we should be doing, Be Still and listening to what God speaks into our Hearts. ~Glenn1966A.D.~
Brandy Williams - Wednesdays Black Historical Fact
- August 4th - Barack Obama, Jr. was born in Honolulu, HI, to Ann Dunham (Obama) and Barack Obama, Sr. on this date in 1961.
- August 5th - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was stoned during a Chicago, IL, march against discrimination on this date in 1966.
Delay in posts
Hi everyone!
So sorry for the delay in posts this week, we had some technical issues with the automated blog posts not posted when they should have. So in a few minutes posts from Wednesday from Brandy Williams will post, and also todays, inside the mind of Glenn.
Enjoy your weekend!
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family
So sorry for the delay in posts this week, we had some technical issues with the automated blog posts not posted when they should have. So in a few minutes posts from Wednesday from Brandy Williams will post, and also todays, inside the mind of Glenn.
Enjoy your weekend!
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
Learning to love yourself will change your perspective on life! You will be able to see the beauty in things. Viewing life with the glass half full, instead of half empty. You'll take the time to smell the roses and smile at someone. Learning to love yourself is learning to love your Creator! Be blessed!
By Mackey Thompson
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sundays - a Look into the Mind of Glenn
It is like this , if you dont believe something no one can change your mind. If you have no faith in something no one can change your heart. If you dont believe in yourself no one can accept you as you are. If you can believe that christ died for you, then your mind, your faith, and your heart is secure. --Glenn1866A.D.--
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Are you or someone else in need of prayer?
Brandy Williams - Wednesdays Black Historical Facts
Larry Doby and "Bullet" Joe Rogan, Negro League pitchers, were inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame on July 26th 1998.
In 1980: A. P. Abourne invented the refining coconut oil process.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
" I'm learning that my life reflects who I am, and it is not about the people I encounter! Wise people attract wise people and foolish people catch up with their crowd! "
By Mackey Thompson
By Mackey Thompson
Monday, July 25, 2011
Rest in Peace Anita Pearl Mackey
Our condolences toTruth and Justic Mackey; today she and her family are mourning the loss of her sister-in-law Anita Pearl Mackey, wife of Roger(Popeye).
Services will be held at:
Smith and Thomas Funeral Home..
212 N 2nd Ave., Maywood, Ill. 60153.
Visitation: Wednesday July 27,2011 4pm-8pm.
Homegoing Services: Thursday, July 28,2011 10am-11:30am
Peace and Love,
Glenn Lewis and The Wilcox Street Family
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sundays- A Look Into the Mind of Glenn - THE BOX
The box is Good for great memories of the Past. We visit for awhile then close the box back up. We take useful traditions out and seed them. ~Amen~
But as we grow that box gets Deeper. Becareful not to get pulled into the box. You can get trapped in the Past. Even Light cannot escape the Darkness of The Box Mentality. ~Glenn1966A.D.~
Friday, July 22, 2011
Don't forget this weekends Events!
TJhana Trunk Party
23 July · 14:00 - 21:00
Location is Sharon Lynns Home
Stop by and show them some love!
Love and Peace,
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family
23 July · 14:00 - 21:00
Location is Sharon Lynns Home
Stop by and show them some love!
Love and Peace,
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Brandy Williams - Wednesdays Black Historical Facts
The first victory in the Korean War was won
by Black troops (24th Infantry Regiment) who captured
Yechon on this date in 1950.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
"The essence of a person is exhibited in the life they live! Actions speak louder than words and the true quality of life is based on your works!!"
By Mackey Thompson
Monday, July 18, 2011
TJhana Trunk Party
23 July · 14:00 - 21:00
Location is Sharon Lynns Home
Stop by and show them some love!
Love and Peace,
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family
23 July · 14:00 - 21:00
Location is Sharon Lynns Home
Stop by and show them some love!
Love and Peace,
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sundays - A Look Into the Mind of Glenn
You Found God again? God was not Lost you were...
The human mind has caught up to the soul within . Fear of the unknown have found the way back to Faith. We have regain our Trust In God. Lost was the Soul who spent time trying to have God Trust in them. God is All Seeing and knowing. It was us with the issue. That Miracle is well earned brother's and Sister's. In God We Trust.....Thursday, July 14, 2011
Do YOU have a birthday coming up?
If you our someone from Wilcox has a birthday coming up, let us know and we will add you to the list of monthly birthdays!
Peace and Love
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family
Peace and Love
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family
Events coming up soon!!!
ALL WHITE Birthday Celebration
for Ray, Melvina, Pepa and Twan's
July 30, 2011 At 3840 W. Madison
$10.00 Free Food & Great Music.
Stop by and show them some love!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Who is your President?
Some people on the soil of this nation claim that The President is not theirs, I'm here to say, that is a valid argument if your are NOT American. If you are American the President of the United States is yours. Register to vote, no matter what anyone proclaims, you CAN make a difference. If you believe it you can achieve it. Lets bring political pride back into our Communities. Arguments are valid once you register to have your Vote counted so your voice can be heard.
Brandy Williams - Wednesdays Black historical facts
Texas Congresswoman, Barbara Jordan, became the first Black person to give the keynote address at a national political convention by speaking at the Democratic National Convention on this date in 1976.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
"We have to be to others, what we want them to be to us. If we want friends, we must show ourselves friendly. If we want to be loved, then we must show love to others. If we want to be respected, then we must respect others." By Mackey Thompson
Monday, July 11, 2011
Congratulations Monae!
Congratulations to one of our own Wilcox young adults, Monae will be attending UIC this fall!
We are all proud of you and this great accomplishment!
See the video on the side bar that was made just for her!
Love and Peace
Glenn and the Wilcox Street Family
We are all proud of you and this great accomplishment!
See the video on the side bar that was made just for her!
Love and Peace
Glenn and the Wilcox Street Family
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sundays - A Look Into the Mind Of Glenn
We are teaching our children to do unto other's as you would have them to do unto you. But as we live each day in the REAL WORLD that is not so true. Truth is some that sit in a seat of power from King's, Queen, President's the People have a right to vote in some cases the Change it takes to take them out of office.
But in our social Networking , family and communities. These so- Called Pillar's got cracks in them. They Play God. They abuse the power they have. They Lie, Hurt, And Misuse that power. Not to me what is worse is when Other's that claim that they will Change the SYSTEM from within for the greater Good don't keep their word. We ask the same Question of them as we ask of our Leader's .
WTF Happened. ? Where is your Honor? no excuses, No Hoodwinking, No Back Sliding! When you see them Coward Down you ask. Is your Soul to Treat Mankind with Respect worth Selling out? Oh then they get personal, they get Pissed. Because the truth is. They Rather be a Part of something to look Big shot or to Impress other's that seem to believe that the cause you are a part of have a History of Honor, truth and a valid standing in our Communities. but what about those Little secrets of the Harm and Hurt you done in the Dark that you don't want to come to light? Ask the question not to them but to the one's they Hurt.
I have seen so many Walk away head's down shocked , lost, hurting. But even in the time when they pain the most. Mankind have shown the Wounded believe that what don't kill them makes them stronger. I also found that that is a Con that has been played on their mind's to keep them from Exposing the wrong done to them.
People have given away their soul's to settle with big companies that should be shut down. but me in my Opinion got to fight. I couldn't take a settlement to shut my mouth. I rather die then to sell my soul and Honor to Protect some else honor who tried to take from me what i earned. That is to me the most Honorable self respecting thing i can do for myself and other's as well. To turn the other cheek after both been slapped is ignorant. You should not have to fall for the Con when you see those that Said they have Honor showed no Honor.
Speak Up people. Speak Out. speak the truth. That is the real change. Once you do that then I believe time has shown us that it can take the power of ONE . that one voice that stood up opened the Door to Freedom for those that were harmed before you. And sat a stage to protect those that come after you. You can then live a clean Free Life without care . Knowing that you really done the right thing.
Don't get me wrong people, I understand some folk's Get hurt that are innocent . I never want to cause any Of Mankind heart ache. But sometimes The Big Pay Back, can hit harder then you think. I love it when those that hurt you assume that your silence is Fear. My silence is like a virus you cannot smell it or taste it
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Up Coming events for next weekend!
Come and Celebrate with Deidre Brown for her Birthday
Date : July 17th
Time: 3pm - 6pm
Location: 4140 W Washington
Make sure you stop by to show her some love!
Peace and Love,
Glenn and the Wilcox Street Family
Date : July 17th
Time: 3pm - 6pm
Location: 4140 W Washington
Make sure you stop by to show her some love!
Peace and Love,
Glenn and the Wilcox Street Family
Friday, July 8, 2011
Events happening on the block this weekend!
Don't forget, these events going on this weekend!
Monae's Trunk Party will be held Saturday, July 9th 2011 at 2821 W Wilcox Street @ 3PM to 7PM.
Monae's Trunk Party will be held Saturday, July 9th 2011 at 2821 W Wilcox Street @ 3PM to 7PM.
Ren Ren
Birthday Celebration for Ren-Ren on Saturday, July 9, 2011 in the back of 2857 W Wilcox Street.
They will be attending the cemetery (address to be posted soon) that morning and the celebration will follow right afterwards.
This is an all day event. Wearing all white.
Much Love and Peace,
Here's a sneak peak .....
Of whats to come each and every Tuesday there will be...............
Prepare yourself for biblical, practical and philosophical input! Great words for you to think on and use to change your life for the better!
Here is a sample of what you will see each Tuesday :
Truth and Justice Tuesday with Mackey Thompson.
Prepare yourself for biblical, practical and philosophical input! Great words for you to think on and use to change your life for the better!
Here is a sample of what you will see each Tuesday :
"Faith is the hope of those things unseen!! Stop relying on what you can see and lean on the power of the Most High!! You cant see Him, but He is there!!" By Mackey Thompson
Stop by each Tuesday and show Truth and Justice some love!
Love and Peace,
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family
Head's Turn Upward Toward Heaven
Every String of the heavenly Harp is being played. Grace and Mercy is the Cry from the Angel's. ear's that do not hear give them a Chance Lord. Silence and Vibration has Calmed. Only the heart will hear the blast of The trumpet and then the Ground of Earth will Stop as all Head's Turn Up-Ward Toward Heaven. So Mote It Be --Glenn1966A.D.--
By Glenn E. Lewis· written on Saturday, 28 May 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Buffy's Quotes
Stop by and check out Buffy's quotes all week long!
Love and Peace
Glenn and Wilcox Street Family
Love and Peace
Glenn and Wilcox Street Family
Monday, July 4, 2011
Pictures of your family and friends
Happy 4th everyone! I hope you all had a great day today celebrating our countrys independance!
I will be working on updating BOTH videos on this page, so please send me your pictures to my email, for either of the Wilcox Street Videos on the blog by July 11th. Once I have received all the pictures I will update both videos so everyone has their own pictures and their loved ones included.
Much Love and Peace
Glenn Lewis and Wilcox Street Family
I will be working on updating BOTH videos on this page, so please send me your pictures to my email, for either of the Wilcox Street Videos on the blog by July 11th. Once I have received all the pictures I will update both videos so everyone has their own pictures and their loved ones included.
Much Love and Peace
Glenn Lewis and Wilcox Street Family
New Video
Stop by and check out the new video I posted on the blog, obituaries and pictures.
Gone but not forgotten friends and family
Love and Peace
Glenn and Wilcox Street Family
Gone but not forgotten friends and family
Love and Peace
Glenn and Wilcox Street Family
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy 4th of July!!!!!!
Be safe and have a happy and healthy day today!
Remember Our Independence is what makes us who we are in this great Nation. Celebrate our Independence today, We're Proud to be Americans!
Much Love and Peace
Upcoming events this coming weekend on the Block!
Don't forget, these events going on this weekend!
Monae's Trunk Party will be held Saturday, July 9th 2011 at 2821 W Wilcox Street @ 3PM to 7PM.
Monae's Trunk Party will be held Saturday, July 9th 2011 at 2821 W Wilcox Street @ 3PM to 7PM.
Ren Ren
Birthday Celebration for Ren-Ren on Saturday, July 9, 2011 in the back of 2857 W Wilcox Street.
They will be attending the cemetery (address to be posted soon) that morning and the celebration will follow right afterwards.
This is an all day event. Wearing all white.
Much Love and Peace,
Friday, July 1, 2011
I'm so excited to start this new blog for all of us to be able to share with each other on our own blog! Please feel free to send me and email ( see my link on this page ) so I can post birthdays, birth announcements, graduations, parties, any event you would like to have posted on this blog :).... also feel free to send me any pictures or videos that you may want shared on this blog as well. Please remember to keep everything you want posted or shared clean, people of all ages will be coming to this blog so I want to keep this blog friendly to all ages and respectful. I hope to hear form all here on this blog and that you send me lots of things to post and keep everyone informed on what is going on in YOUR lives :)
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