Friday, October 14, 2011

Fridays - Natural Vision by Verna Steele


Worth: The goodness, usefulness, or importance of something or somebody, irrespective of financial value or wealth

While in observation mood, I was observing behaviors and mindset of the women I  encounter. “Mothers, Aunts, sisters, nieces, children, cousins, co-workers, friends, FB updates and my own”. Just seeing and hearing the cry of the heart that is muted by the state of our mindset(s) has compelled me to scribe about our worth.

On a majority we wear garments of hurt, pain, disappointment, rejection, inability to forgive, guilt, shame, and lack of trust and many more emotions all hidden under layers of self deceptions. Our attire, various types of addictions (sex, food, shopping, drinking, smoking, clubs, hair styles just to name a few) boldness(loud, no one can tell you anything) and sometime reserved behavior, (refuse to speak out) and an inability to commit or care from a wholesome place, this behavior has become our weapon of warfare, and oftentimes (on a majority) the enemy is the “INNER ME”.  

The Creation of the woman is priceless. The bible says that God created the woman.
we were created for a purpose and a plan. In the Christian world  to say I am a proverbs 31 woman is so cliché’, we often claim that I am a Proverbs 31 woman when in fact Proverbs 31 was written by a woman to her son ( read it again) and it revealed  2 types of women . Which one are you?, Some may answer that they are neither one, or can identify with both. Not truly having the true Identity of who you are  
I realized that we need help (women) Our emotions oftentimes speak louder than OUR PRAYERS, OUR DECREES, OUR CONFESSION  AND THE VOWS WE’VE MADE. We often time see the trees but forgetting that multiple trees create the forest

Recently, I have been confronted with some of the truth(s) of my past and some of my own behaviors that deceived me into believing that “ALL IS WELL”.
I'm growing and I'm challenging myself to be whole and healed so that I can walk in wholeness...we have developed vices to cope with what needs to exposed, and evicted from our lives.

Our worth can never be limited to the outer appearance, material things, dysfunctional relationship(s), accepting being treated beneath the standards that God set for us,

We were created to Love, Nurture, Inspire, Birth amongst other things and We must realize that we are worthy of Love, Honor, Praise …etc. We must see ourselves through the eyes of God in order to align the truth with our walk. Until we come into the realization of our self worth their will not be a healthy reproduction of woman of worth and the result will be generational bondage and continual dysfunction to the generation to come.

What are we saying to our sisters, daughter, and other young women that look at us for guidance?

What do you see in the mirror of life when you access yourself?

Woman/women be encouraged and spent time with you loving you and facing some of the demons that stand strong in your “inner me” remember you are a woman of worth, you are good, you are beautiful, you are useful, you are important, and most important you are valuable.

Love Verna -

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