Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sundays - A Look Into the Mind Of Glenn

We are teaching our children to do unto other's as you would have them to do unto you. But as we live each day in the REAL WORLD that is not so true. Truth is some that sit in a seat of power from King's, Queen, President's the People have a right to vote in some cases the Change it takes to take them out of office. 
But in our social Networking , family and communities. These so- Called Pillar's got cracks in them. They Play God. They abuse the power they have. They Lie, Hurt, And Misuse that power. Not to me what is worse is when Other's that claim that they will Change the SYSTEM from within for the greater Good don't keep their word. We ask the same Question of them as we ask of our Leader's .   

WTF Happened. ? Where is your Honor? no excuses, No Hoodwinking, No Back Sliding! When you see them Coward Down you ask. Is your Soul to Treat Mankind with Respect worth Selling out? Oh then they get personal, they get Pissed. Because the truth is. They Rather be a Part of something to look Big shot or to Impress other's that seem to believe that the cause you are a part of have a History of Honor, truth and a valid standing in our Communities.  but what about those Little secrets of the Harm and Hurt you done in the Dark that you don't want to come to light? Ask the question not to them but to the one's they Hurt. 

I have seen so many Walk away head's down shocked , lost, hurting.  But even in the time when they pain the most. Mankind have shown the Wounded believe that what don't kill them makes them stronger.  I also found that that is a Con that has been played on their mind's to keep them from Exposing the wrong done to them. 

People have given away their soul's to settle with big companies that should be shut down. but me in my Opinion got to fight. I couldn't take a settlement to shut my mouth. I rather die then to sell my soul and Honor to Protect some else honor who tried to take from me what i earned. That is to me the most Honorable self respecting thing i can do for myself and other's as well. To turn the other cheek after both been slapped is ignorant. You should not have to fall for the Con when you see those that Said they have Honor showed no Honor. 

Speak Up people. Speak Out. speak the truth. That is the real change.  Once you do that then I believe time has shown us that it can take the power of ONE . that one voice that stood up opened the Door to Freedom for those that were harmed before you. And sat a stage to protect those that come after you. You can then live a clean Free Life without care . Knowing that you really done the right thing. 

Don't get me wrong people, I understand some folk's Get hurt that are innocent . I never want to cause any Of Mankind heart ache. But sometimes The Big Pay Back, can hit harder then you think. I love it when those that hurt you assume that your silence is Fear. My silence is like a virus you cannot smell it or taste it 


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