The Effects Of Spoken Words
At church on Wednesday night I asked God what is the subject for this week’s
"The Wilcox Street Blog".
The topic that came to mind was “Sticks and Stones ", the effects of spoken words." I immediately drew a blank, not that I’m not familiar with it, I have been on both sides of this coin, words reaped and words sown. I just couldn't formulate the words to make someone understand the power of words.
I trusted God to give me wisdom to articulate this in such a way that the reader(s) would take a self examination to reflect on their life and how words have affected them and the impact that words have had on them. Especially negative words sown in our lives that caused our mindsets to be shaped into a mood of arrested development.
Today I was faced with a situation that was so cutting that I realized not only was this a test but it challenged me to seek wisdom in dealing with the words that were thrown back and forth. This conversation was so devastating because it was with someone I love (my child). The blame game, unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness that spawn through the emails were so overwhelming. For every sentence written to me I was compelled to write two. This happened to the point my child said “I don't care if I ever see you again.” With tears in my eyes I said, "no more."
I stepped away and began to pray and seek God for wisdom in dealing with this situation. In my natural/fleshly nature, the response would have been, "fine with me", let's do this, let’s see who can hold out the longest." I was determined, in my flesh, to come into agreement with a demonic force from hell that was assigned to destroy relationship(s), cause division between families. (husband and wives, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, sisters and brothers) and have us walk in unforgiveness toward one another. The spirit of God ministered these words to me, “apologizing is simply admitting wrong was done. It does not erase the words spoken or the affects of those words.”
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Whatever words we sow is what we will reap and more often than not it comes from people that you love and admire.
I'm challenging myself and you to be mindful of the words that we speak in the heat of the moment, when our aim is to win the battle, don't fight dirty with words of destruction. I will purpose to uplift you and not tear you down, encourage you and not discourage, strengthen you and not be a source of weakness to you.
I remember when we were children. When someone would say words to hurt us, we would say, "Sticks and Stones might break my bones, but your words will never hurt me.”
Think on these things and let's purpose to mature. It starts with accountability.
Verna -
I totally appreciate this sister, as I am working on building healthy relationship and learning to deal with the words spoken to me and by me. Words are powerful and can build someone up or break them down. The Creator spoke the world into existence. Logos...the power of the Word. Wars are started because of words, and peace is achieved when dialogue is opened up(words)!! Proverbs 15:4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, But perverseness in it breaks the spirit.