Saturday, November 10, 2012

Walter McCray's NEW BOOK RELEASE !!!

Dr. Walter McCray has a NEW book release!!!

Please stop by amazon at this link Walter McCray or you can also purchase the book directly from Black Light Fellowships website here .  

Please share with your friends and family so they can get a copy of this great book today!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Don't let them hoodwink you with racism

We happen to just have full respect and love for our White American Democratic Supporter's That stood Arm to Arm with us , for us during our African American Civil Right's Movement. If we let others try to shame you for standing up for your community they will take full advantage of your fear. You see it in the world of America today. They tend to PRAY for you to just forget our past. They try to shame your support from Democratic Democracy and Agenda. Oh but look at this fact. We are not being Racial BIAS OR Bigot's. We even have a same equal respect for our Conservative Supporter's that took a stand for our Civil Rights. But now a day that try to just stick the Voting Agenda just as a Black on Black issue for President Obama. But when our White Democratic Supporter speak up they get silent. I'm sure the word's " Nigga Lover " is under the heart and tone of the topic of Freedom . But i intend to call it as i see it. Because a true American will not only Die at War over sea for this Country but it took a even more TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT to DIE here at Home on the Soil to Shore of America for the Civil Right's of Black's, Women, Minorities from Chinese to Irish , even Gay's and Liberal topic's of all Truth and Justice for Fair Equality and Freedom's of Legal American's. Yes i said it. Because they will not. But i am here to tell you Our White American Democrat Supporter's remember the Scars of being beat, Hosed by the Fire Dept. Yes KKK Burned the cross in their back yard, Fire bombed their Home. Spit on them . The Stone's thrown during Dr. King March had extra Mustard for them on it. So do not let those Conservative Republican Spin Dr. try to keep your true Democratic/Liberal Agenda Divided. Because this is not the Civil Right's Movement of the 1960's. But the Democratic/Liberal Civil Right's Movement Forward and Beyond my American People. I might not support and agree with everything Minister Farrakhan say, Or Brother Freemason Rev. Al Sharpton nor the NEW Black Panther Party Organization. But i happen to believe that our past attack's by police and other hate organization's are the main REASON they spun these people to protect our Communities. And you better know they did Target the White American Civil Right's Supporter's that worked and even lived in our community to help protect and support our Freedom and Democracy. and now that Romney/Ryan are on the fence and are losing the Middle Class Vote. The new Game is the old play book from the past revised. Take away and Divide . Take away and put fear into the White Democratic Supporter. Target them and stay the Course with the Black's and Minorities. Do not let this Game gain any speed. Remember these White American Democratic and yes just maybe 1 or 2 Conservative's from the Civil Right's movement have the same Issue's and concern's for a Idea of a America President Obama has. They had families and friend's they LOVED die and be treated with the same equal brutality as we did during the Civil Right's Movement. History even told us about how they was even killed and Beaten, Women raped , men Burned and hung from tree's when found hiding and supporting Escaped Slaves during the Underground Rail Road Era. Dr. King knew this all so well. Pres. JFK understood this. Pres. Clinton, as well as other great Men/Women that lost or seen or was apart of any Civil Right's Movement in America. So they are born and breed as we are. And we will send them a Message and sing it Loud and Clear. " You may target us to Divide Us by Race but our Agenda as a United State's of America is UN-Movable " How Democratic is the UNITY of All the Races of Migrant's in America that are Legal and willing to keep our Liberty as Pure as our Fore Father's Dreamed. my Word's today is Blessed by God and come sharpened as Razor's of Teflon and Has the fire of the Sun. I had Chill's as i wrote this!!!~Glenn6Dvision~

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Great Man of God

Deacon Samuel Finley

When Men of GOD, with Faith and Honor Pass away we tend to think if God will ever put another Example of a Real Father ,Uncle, Cousin in our life again. We have been blessed that "FIN" my cousin left more for us. Because his teaching,s are so instilled in everything we are today. This Man my cousin was a Holiday father. Silent in speech but Holy and dedicated to our Family. Fin when i was a child would teach me lesson,s that only as a teen and Adult i find myself using. 

He never demanded anything from me because he gave me lesson,s of Example. Such lesson,s as Respect for the Women in the family. This was done so perfect because every Holiday when at his Home he took me to the door and outside during the winter holiday to escort the famale family member,s and Friend,s into the house and take their coat,and winter wear. I remember even feeling lucky to be up during night to help brush the snow of the Auto,s , Shovel and lay salt on the path way. and even starting and warming the Car,s. and again. The escorting to safety. 

These thing,s as a minor being the youngest Male cousin was AWESOME in it self. How much Pride i had looking forward to this goal each Holiday or Special Family event. Fin as we called him was a inspiration to be Admired as the ROLE MODEL. My cousin,s Rev. Beverly and Marice to me was the Luckiest older cousin,s i had. Because the treatment of family and teaching,s from my Cousin Teresa and her Husband Fin showed in spirit and Fellowship as a United Family of God. and i am so Proud today to say even in Death Fin Light still shine. 

Rest in Paradise My Cousin Deacon Samuel Finley a great Man of God and as my Frat. Brother a Master Mason Your LEGACY is ALIVE in everyone in our Family.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Remembering Grandma....

Owen Pride, Grandma how we long for your wisdom. Grandma known as Mama because it was your love and comfort that was there when needed, there just because, there even today in our heart. Grandma ever so missed but is seen in the generation's of your Grandchildren and Great -Great Grandchildren. Not to much of anything can bring such Joy with a sting of pain because we often think. Wow if Grandma was Here today I would, Or We would and They Could have a a chance to Experience what we Have when we Had you here with us Physically. But no matter Grandma. We have you spiritually, We call upon your Wisdom and your Word's to guide us. You are Gone Grandma but Never Forgotten.
Love, from Your Seed your DNA your Legacy.

By Glenn E. Lewis For the Love and Memory of  Ruth M. Owens 1920-2004 Tonya Owens & Family

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Change is an action word

By Verna Steele

I was thinking about some of the literature that we put out there (people in general no one in particular)

We oftentimes verbalize our frustration and desire to be change, yet individually and collectively we do very little

Knowledge is key, applied knowledge is power…. We can not continue to make verbal declaration of CHANGE and not move on it.

Change is an action word…………………………….

I see the people in our neighborhood put updates on facebook and they start each day Thanking the Lord God who is ahead of their lives and the rest of the day their updates are filled with perversion, lust, profanity and other topical conversations that bring absolutely no Glory to the God they mentioned this morning.
Really, do we think that God is setting somewhere with his chest poked out thinking “ I am the man” because someone gave them Glory, I don’t think so.
He has no identity issues and if he don’t tell him how great he is someone else will.

Change is evident it is an emotion to be displayed  Energy in motions (e-motions)
I see the filth of our hands all the time and we have great expectation for God, but what are we willing to sacrifice to come into compliance with him.

The mentality of our people is “ ME DO BUT ME DON’T “

Monday, July 2, 2012

The JWG Crew is at it again for Leo's

Its The King of The Jungle Time Leo's Stand Up

Saturday August 4th, 2012 at 8pm - 2am 
Homan square 3333 W. Arthington 

***No Certain Color at this time

***Contact Ontario Brown Sr. for more Information

Saturday, June 30, 2012

When our Sisters Speak, Our Youngest Sisters should always listen...

By Brandy Williams

No offense to anyone in regards to this status! But, I wish there could be an age limit on when a female could have kids. I mean, these little girls having babies when they don't have a clue about instilling morals, values, respect and regards about life. Then, there are the grandparents that are literally a decade older that's living the same kind of life as there kids. It's becoming a domino effect and major problems in our community. People please stop embracing foolishness! Just because you had kids young and by different baby daddy's, didn't finish high school, drink, smoke, don't work and just simply not trying to better yourself don't allow your children to follow in your footsteps. Each generation is suppose to be better in all aspects. I hate that a lot of the bad issues in our community have become the NORM! STOP HAVING KIDS WHEN YOU'RE JUST A KID! STOP THE VIOLENCE! STOP THE IGNORANCE! STOP SETTLING! We are a RACE that is going to be left behind and we can no longer blame it on the WHITE MAN!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Savin Our parks .... One Neighborhood at a time..

By Kenosha (Wilcox street blog) with special acknowledgement to Curtis Dowd for bringing this information to light.

Do you Remember...Tag,red Light/Green Light, Merry Go Round, Swing , Teter Totter , Tunnels. The Play Ground/Parks. these have been in our local neighborhood,s from the times Urban Black Communities begun to buy and own our Home,s. these Parks long have been neglected by Chicago City Politician,s. The come into our communities for our vote of Support, and to Clean up our Block,s and Alleyway. But Hold on one SECOND. Our CHILDREN.. Save something for the Children and the Lovers. Bring Back the Original Safe HANGOUT. The Community Park. Let our voices be heard. We Will not be Ran away from fresh Air, Exercise and away to Promote Positive meeting and Greeting of Families New and Old to our local neighborhood,s . We are the people of the day when our parent, would walk in the cool evening breeze and sit at the park watching over our children. These are the Days when we meet our Best Friend or a classmate before School was in Session. We homed in our collective Games Idea. Our Black American Communities are Speaking Out today. Sending a Message Loud and Clear. Van buren and Whipple Park has not FORGOT our Community. Chicago Park District Forgot Us!!! Join Curtis Dowd and the Wilcox Street Blog by Spreading the News. Repost ,Share, Tag. For Our Community Local Chicago Park District Like the Van buren and Whipple Park They are Attempting to Take Away from us. " We will not Run into our Home,s When there is Much More Outside to Enjoy as a Community"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Hey !

Please update us with any prayer request you may have for the blog.......

We have a prayer request today for my Uncle Walter McCray, please continue to pray for him as he is battling bone cancer. I do not have all the specifics, but continue to pray for his healing. God Bless you Uncle Walter!

Wilcox Street Blog

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

Everybody dies, but not everybody lives!!! You only get one opportunity to live in this time and space, so Live!!!! Life is golden and it's to be embraced!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

Like attracts like.
Whatever the conscious mind thinks and believes, the subconscious identically creates.
Brian Adams

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sundays with Glenn

How can we be even mire Thankful? Once we have what we want nope that will not be the time. If we over come some form of adversity? Nope not then either. How about right now? When having knowledge and faith, Grace Health and Family. Showing Thanks for what we take for Granted is more Worthy then waiting for a perfect time to be Thankful. Prayer shouldnt be a last minute deal to make with God. Being Thankful is being true to the Now! ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

Dont be afraid of a little bit of pain, pleasure is on the other side!Weeping only last for a night, but Joy comes in the morning!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sundays with Glenn

I know this about you. It is one thing to know the Word. But it is another thing to know the Meaning. And a tall step in the right directional Path to be the Word. How can you claim to be when nothing about you speak truth? These words are not a test to your mind but a eye opener to your Soul. Even the word as is will be shown mno matter how dark of a hole you hide in. I have seen Men that Claim to be Just and Rightous lie on a Book thwy never Read. Like vasaline on Glass or ink on water the Word it self is Invisible when the Soul is unpure. It has even been said the Light blinds the truth from the Wicked all they see is Light. But fail to search for the truth. God has a way. Test not the Wisdom . Test the Ego of knowledge. I came Naked i left covered in the Spirit. ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you’ll be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

Arthur Gordon

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sundays with Glenn

I saw you hit the floor with a mighty thump. As tears flowed and you grasp for air Clutching your Chest. Rapid was your breathing. Your body felt heavy unmovable. Hands far out reaching to you in Pray. No one was in fear. The screaming of Praiase God and the language of the Holy Spirit was all around you. As you layed Flat out on the Floor AS YOU JUST Giving it all to JESUS and His Grace Poured over you. How Blessed . How Amazing. How Joyous. The Holy Spirit Did This only when You had Decided Nothing Can Ever Out Do GOD. Your Heavan on Earth was no More. Your Salvation Took Less Work with a Infinity Of Blessings. You carry the cross long enough and it Will Build upon your Soul. How Great Thou Are? ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesdays Black Historical facts with Brandy Williams

Minnie Julia Ripperton, internationally renowned soprano, was born in Chicago, IL in 1947. Ripperton is perhaps best-known for her 1974 smash hit, "Loving You," and for her tremendous vocal range.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sundays with Glenn

Your seed is planted in your mind. Yes you have knowledge. Yes you can speak and communicate on things. But why cant i see the real you? Because of the Lie!!! Living outside of Gods Plan For You. Like the Holy then Thou hell raiser. They can Quote the Bible . They shout the Loudes. But why are they so mean and cruel? Because Gods Word shall not return Void. So when things dont workout the way they wish. They blame it on the wrong Prayers or issues. The Prayer and Word of God is never at Fault. The one praying is the Fault. Having the Seed Planted in your mind must be feed. Given Water. Studied. Meditated on. Fast on. So that the Words of God and Prayers TAKE ROOT and Grow a Great Harvest of Faith in the Heart. God seeded the Earth and put Everything upon it . The Seed did its job. No matter how Tiny the seed the tree grew and gave fruit with more Seeds within. That is why we are able to do all things threw Christ. Because once Seeded in our minds the Word take Root. And your blessings and Prayers produce. And we are a witness the Fruit is Sweet not Sour. Our body and soul are rooted Amen. ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

God has a school called Life and there are some courses that you are gonna have to take! It is mandatory to your development that you engage fully in the curriculum assigned to you. Your mental, emotional, and physical health depend on it. Don't be a dropout, pass the test and move on to the level!

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

What is Love? Is it a fleeting feeling one experiences when looking at beautiful things? Is it the butterflies you get in your stomach from the euphoria of infatuation, or is the constant that you experience when you look at people and things as valuable entities?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sundays with Glenn

Well it is Fall Season here in Arizona the leaves are changing and falling . Dont you just admire the Beauty of Mother Nature? When have you just literally stopped to look at the Earth the Moon the Stars? Let the rain or Snow fall upin your face. Feel the Sun pure Heat. Listen and water the Water wave. Walk bare foot in grass. Blow a dandoliine. Pick a flower. We are Edens Children still covering the Naked Flesh. But Naked is the Earth in some Places and the beauty of Earth dont need a Make Over or New Hair Style. Yet with the Beauty of us Human Being we still look within the Image of Others Opinion of Beautiful. The Tree the Flower the Water is only Natures way to show us the tree never look at its Roots because the Water feeds it. The wind and critters feed and spead the flowers. Water cuts and dig Earth Landscape spreading her Beauty. All of Earth Reach towards Heaven. Trees do. Flowers Do. Water makes Clouds so it do as well. Naked is Nature so should we be Spiritually . And reach towards Heaven. What was here before mankind still teaches Man the basic. Hiding in our Flesh while hiding behind the Truth. ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesdays Black Historical facts with Brandy Williams

Coleman Alexander Young, was the first Black mayor of Detroit, MI, and past President of the U.S. 
Conference of Mayors,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sundays with Glenn

As you look within the mirror. Think of the Word ENOUGH!!! Because this will be the chest game that will decide the fate of your New year. Amazing how this day every year bring about the so called Need & Want Idea. The energy the prayers the Will if mankind is in the Enough Phase. Have you had enough? Be careful when you answer. Much more of several things are needed in our life. Prayer, faith, Love, humanity the list is endless there isn't enough of these choices. Shamefully we hear more of the negative Enough idea state of mind. These vices and habits should be replaced with the Positive State of mind. Go into the New Year with Praise. Go into the new year with Thanks. Go into the New Year with Love understanding. Go into the New Year with an open heart. Leave the Negative state of Mind in 2011. I will see you all Next Year. Im looking forward to the Positive Self Image Mankind is Capable of Having. I pray your health. Your children. Your Families your Job and every thing around you reap the Harvest of the Positive Seed you let take Root in your Heart. So Mote It Be my Blessed Wilcox Family & Friends. Lean on God to guide us all towards the Goal of Spiritual Knowledge so that we Live as He intended for us. ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

Sometimes things happen and we dont know why, but there is always a greater mission in the madness. We become complacent and simple minded, but the wisdom of the Lord is never far away! Oh Yes, He has a plan and it is our responsibility to figure out our place in it. Little things can be a catalyst for greater things. We must never negate the power of the Most High and His ability to accomplish His will in our lives. Don't doubt His Word, live by it! For the Just may live by Faith!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday with Glenn


We must stop the fitnah attitude now, no more pre-fitnnah before 2012 people got it bad. Some fitnah stop smoking, fitnah stop drinking, fitnah stop using drugs, fitnah start loosing weight, fitnah start praying, fitnah this and that. Why fool or trick your mind into a pre notion of self-will. Once you have the power to admit that a vice or habit is blocking your progress, waiting until 2012 New years Day will not prolong your ambition. Why not submit NOW!? Take this to Christ and go into 2012 a NEW.

This 'PSI" Positive Self Image can radiate to others around you. It is a fact vanity self pride is on mankind heart during the end of days. He/She is vain, full of self praise and desires to speak more highly of self and give nothing to others around them. Humble ourselves! Stop instantly the vain, vanity, pride, ego. God has a way of flat out humbling you. and trust me, when God go fourth and humble mankind, lighting will strike twice. Remember though shall have no other God including making yourself a idol - God swift without Mercy you will bow down, stripped of all your vanities and have no choice but to confess, Jesus is Lord! NO MORE FITNAH'S - Glenn-

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Years Wilcox Families!!!! Oh im feeling Blessed. I took a Full Dose of Positive Self Image Blessed by the Word into this New Year. The Right NIW is in Full Effect!! I had no need at all to wait until Midnight. One Second Past musnight would of been one second to late. I didnt even know if God was going to let me see today. I was ready no matter what his plan was. Being saved will do that to you. The Seed God planted in me was ready and had taken Root in my heart. I started feeding it and giving the seed light. So i took this gift into the New Year. I pray so did you. The Fitnah attitude was all on Facebook. So many People claimed they was Fitnah Do This And Fitnah Do that. When God Planted you with that Seed you should of Started Right then. And would of Taken it into 2012. Blessed is the heart that take root in the Word and Obey. God Is!! Happy Newyear ~GlennRooted1966A.D.~