Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Savin Our parks .... One Neighborhood at a time..

By Kenosha (Wilcox street blog) with special acknowledgement to Curtis Dowd for bringing this information to light.

Do you Remember...Tag,red Light/Green Light, Merry Go Round, Swing , Teter Totter , Tunnels. The Play Ground/Parks. these have been in our local neighborhood,s from the times Urban Black Communities begun to buy and own our Home,s. these Parks long have been neglected by Chicago City Politician,s. The come into our communities for our vote of Support, and to Clean up our Block,s and Alleyway. But Hold on one SECOND. Our CHILDREN.. Save something for the Children and the Lovers. Bring Back the Original Safe HANGOUT. The Community Park. Let our voices be heard. We Will not be Ran away from fresh Air, Exercise and away to Promote Positive meeting and Greeting of Families New and Old to our local neighborhood,s . We are the people of the day when our parent, would walk in the cool evening breeze and sit at the park watching over our children. These are the Days when we meet our Best Friend or a classmate before School was in Session. We homed in our collective Games Idea. Our Black American Communities are Speaking Out today. Sending a Message Loud and Clear. Van buren and Whipple Park has not FORGOT our Community. Chicago Park District Forgot Us!!! Join Curtis Dowd and the Wilcox Street Blog by Spreading the News. Repost ,Share, Tag. For Our Community Local Chicago Park District Like the Van buren and Whipple Park They are Attempting to Take Away from us. " We will not Run into our Home,s When there is Much More Outside to Enjoy as a Community"

1 comment:

  1. The neglect of the of the this neighborhood began over 40 years ago. Sure the politicians come in to hustle for votes and never do a damned thing! One of the biggest examples of this is Madison St. Many of the vacant lots on this street have been there since the death of Dr. King (1968). When this area was part of the 27th then later the 28th wards neither aldermen did anything,and as a result you have blocks of decay that at one time stretched from Western to Kedzie. Pay attention when these ward remaps start to happen. All of the good stuff is removed from the ward. Case in point is the United Center, when it was being built, the area was part of the 27th ward which included Wilcox from Western to Sacremento. As soon as it was finished there was a ward remap so that this building could not be in the domain of a predominantly black neighborhood. So let's all watch and see what happens with Madison and Francisco, an area of neglect since the riots of 1968.
