Thursday, October 18, 2012

Don't let them hoodwink you with racism

We happen to just have full respect and love for our White American Democratic Supporter's That stood Arm to Arm with us , for us during our African American Civil Right's Movement. If we let others try to shame you for standing up for your community they will take full advantage of your fear. You see it in the world of America today. They tend to PRAY for you to just forget our past. They try to shame your support from Democratic Democracy and Agenda. Oh but look at this fact. We are not being Racial BIAS OR Bigot's. We even have a same equal respect for our Conservative Supporter's that took a stand for our Civil Rights. But now a day that try to just stick the Voting Agenda just as a Black on Black issue for President Obama. But when our White Democratic Supporter speak up they get silent. I'm sure the word's " Nigga Lover " is under the heart and tone of the topic of Freedom . But i intend to call it as i see it. Because a true American will not only Die at War over sea for this Country but it took a even more TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT to DIE here at Home on the Soil to Shore of America for the Civil Right's of Black's, Women, Minorities from Chinese to Irish , even Gay's and Liberal topic's of all Truth and Justice for Fair Equality and Freedom's of Legal American's. Yes i said it. Because they will not. But i am here to tell you Our White American Democrat Supporter's remember the Scars of being beat, Hosed by the Fire Dept. Yes KKK Burned the cross in their back yard, Fire bombed their Home. Spit on them . The Stone's thrown during Dr. King March had extra Mustard for them on it. So do not let those Conservative Republican Spin Dr. try to keep your true Democratic/Liberal Agenda Divided. Because this is not the Civil Right's Movement of the 1960's. But the Democratic/Liberal Civil Right's Movement Forward and Beyond my American People. I might not support and agree with everything Minister Farrakhan say, Or Brother Freemason Rev. Al Sharpton nor the NEW Black Panther Party Organization. But i happen to believe that our past attack's by police and other hate organization's are the main REASON they spun these people to protect our Communities. And you better know they did Target the White American Civil Right's Supporter's that worked and even lived in our community to help protect and support our Freedom and Democracy. and now that Romney/Ryan are on the fence and are losing the Middle Class Vote. The new Game is the old play book from the past revised. Take away and Divide . Take away and put fear into the White Democratic Supporter. Target them and stay the Course with the Black's and Minorities. Do not let this Game gain any speed. Remember these White American Democratic and yes just maybe 1 or 2 Conservative's from the Civil Right's movement have the same Issue's and concern's for a Idea of a America President Obama has. They had families and friend's they LOVED die and be treated with the same equal brutality as we did during the Civil Right's Movement. History even told us about how they was even killed and Beaten, Women raped , men Burned and hung from tree's when found hiding and supporting Escaped Slaves during the Underground Rail Road Era. Dr. King knew this all so well. Pres. JFK understood this. Pres. Clinton, as well as other great Men/Women that lost or seen or was apart of any Civil Right's Movement in America. So they are born and breed as we are. And we will send them a Message and sing it Loud and Clear. " You may target us to Divide Us by Race but our Agenda as a United State's of America is UN-Movable " How Democratic is the UNITY of All the Races of Migrant's in America that are Legal and willing to keep our Liberty as Pure as our Fore Father's Dreamed. my Word's today is Blessed by God and come sharpened as Razor's of Teflon and Has the fire of the Sun. I had Chill's as i wrote this!!!~Glenn6Dvision~

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