Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams

Berry Gordy, Jr., founder of Motown Records, the most successful Black-owned record company ever, was born in Detroit, MI,November 24, 1929.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson

“Love is your job description – no matter what you do for a living. If you ever feel unsure of what you’re supposed to do in a situation, here’s a good rule of thumb: always do what leads to greater love.”—Marci Shimoff

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sundays - A Look into the Mind of Glenn

A Curve Ball 
Life has a way of throwing a curve ball at you. How hard you knock that ball back towards life is the real test. Catching the ball is easy thats why we carry so much anger and weight. Throw it away or knock it out the park. Head for home base. Where the Diamond as a sign of Power. -Glenn1966A.D.-

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams

The first Black dental organization, the Washington Society of Colored Dentists, was founded in Washington, DC, in November of 1900.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey

Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. Sitting Bull

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sundays - A Look Into the Mind of Glenn

I was reviewing Sistah Verna Steele message for the Wilcox Street Blog on Love to be Posted Friday. It inspired me to write this. AMAZING, when i would tell my oldest daughter's about being careful when using the word love. I would alway's tell them that to define Adore, define Admire, define Attention. The 3 A's are the example of human love. Look away from the Look's and do not thrive on the popular,Watch out for the False attention. God has His love unlimited for those that have took upon the Blood for salvation. Mankind must take charge and be Love as a Example. Yes it is easy to Adore and Admire the Attention you get. The for What? Come to surface in many way's . The He/She is Cute, He/She dress well or have Material thing's, He/She is the basketball or Top cheerleader Etc. and that well know " The attention to the Flesh". We can emotionally and Physically Abuse our self if our Ego, Vanity, and Spiritual Light is only on to Human Limit's. This is a silent Sin. That have taken advantage of our basic idea of LOVE. We say love our self but tend to Love someone that only Love you to a Limit. God Bless you for the message. Again Amazing. and Inspiring.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fridays Natural Vision with Verna Steele


1 Corn 13:1 reads: When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. (NLT)  My past is what it is MY PAST, although it’s behind me, it still serves as an excellent tools to make others aware of the power of Decisions making. 
Somewhere along the way I heard this statement that changed my way of thinking. “A LESSON NOT LEARNED IS A LESSON REPEATED” and I must add that it’s not your experience that you have to learn from. Often times I’m teased about my life style, My statement of being “ Kingdom without compromising” my “non-negotiable” unwillingness to relent from  the principles, values and lifestyle as a kingdom believer AKA Christian.
My confession of salvation is not a just for public confession to impress man, I purpose to have a heart posture that lives what I believe and what I often try to inspire others to do. God’s word is not a bunch of poetic words of thus and thou, simple quotations, or clichés of” When I think of his goodness”,  but a road map for life, The choice to go down the road wide and destructive or the road of the straight and narrow, The power of Decision making.
I’ve made several unhealthy decisions and in some stages of my life I walked in shame and now I rejoice in them. The unhealthy relationships, being a teen Mom, dropping out of High school, selling drugs, going to prison, and even not fully giving God the same devotion that he gives me.
Why do I rejoice, because it has become a testimony of overcoming obstacles, it’s a lesson learned that I can share, because I love my children, Because I’ve established priceless relationships; Because the decisions I’ve made  reminds me that every decision made effects more than just me.
In conclusion, Remember that The power of decision making can build or destroy, encourage or discourage, uplift or tear down, It can cause life and something death……. Your ability and willingness to make wise decisions can set the stage and alter the course from destruction to a path of greatness for the next generation.
Love V

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson

You will never redeem the pain without exhaustive processing!!! Dont let your pain define you!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fridays - Natural Vision with Verna Steele


I was given an opportunity to facilitated a Re affirmation (wedding vow renewal) ceremony on October 23rd. This event consisted of 23 couples. All of which were black and the number of years married ranged from 1-36yrs, with the majority over 15yrs. The entire process of putting it together was overwhelming yet exciting. The end result was priceless and well worth the challenge of making it happen. The minister that facilitated the ceremony came from very familiar passages of scripture.

  • When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing and obtains favor with God Pr.18:22
  • Therefore a man shall leave his Father and mother cleave unto his wife Gen 2:24
  • Wife submit yourself to your own husband as you do unto the Lord and it goes on to say Husband love your wife like Christ loves the church Ref to :Eph 5:22-25

These scriptures are commonly used in these settings however, in this particular ceremony a greater emphasis on what love is not. Those words were life altering for me especially being one that has based so many decisions from a feeling, from an emotional place, one sided expectations and ultimately I found myself hurt and confused about what happen, what did I miss. Now, I realize that it was a place of self deception. My emotions, feelings and own desires.

He stated that “ LOVE IS NOT A FEELING, IT’S A COMMITMENT” he went on to say that if we based OUR ability and ones capacity to love; on a feeling than we are headed for great disappointment, because feelings change from one moment to the next. That was a moment of truth; I believe that when we are presented with truth the responsibility to apply it is just as important as our next breath. We must be willing to put in the work to see it to the finish no matter what.

How do you define love?
Is it an action word?
Does Love have limitation?

PS. I would be doing you an injustice if I didn’t mention one important key.
God is love; he’s the greatest, purest example of love. Without him abiding in the heart of man, man can’t love himself, and if he can’t love himself, than he can’t love you and vice versa, meditate on these things

Love you much –