2700/2800/2900 Block - A place to come and share events and remember the times on Wilcox Street
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Fridays - Natural Vision with Verna Steele
Dreams Deferred
Often times we find ourselves in a place where we feel like giving up, it seem like life throws more curve balls than you have the HANDS to catch. Just when you feel like you’ve finally aligned some things in your life. You have every “T” Crossed and “I” dotted, You hit spell check (life assessment) and realize that there are other grammatical errors that you missed because you were only focused on the norm… The “T’s” and the “I’s”… Often times we work on things that are familiar, things that only matter to man, (The church FOLK, our family, co-workers, and Friends) but we very seldom take that time to acknowledge, access and amend, To focus on what’s important to God.
We have dreams and aspirations, and sometime more often than not we share our dreams with others and in the midst of the audience there are dream killers, people there to verbalize or suggest that what we desire is only obtainable in our dream realm, and will never become a reality.
In a recent settings I was asked what my goals were, what I desire, I painted a very vivid picture of what I desire and instantly something shifted and God made me aware of the dream killers in my midst and immediately placed a GAG order over my mouth. I realized that although I’m a dreamer like others we all don’t have the faith to see it through, to see the reality of what is possible, and when we allow doubt and unbelief of others to sow seed of doubt in us we tend to allow our dreams to be aborted, To die, and even be buried in the cave of, if I would’ve, could’ve, should’ve.
It is important to have a plan, write the plan, and take the necessary steps to make it possible, even if that means cutting some ties, cutting loose some relationships, it’s important to position yourself, associate with like minded people, who desire the upward movement of progression. Your dreams are obtainable, your dreams are accessible, your dreams can become a reality, it’s all up to you. There is a season for all we desire and we must be willing to put in the work, not faint and trust God’s leading and direction. DON’T ALLOW YOUR DREAMS TO BE DEFERRED BECAUSE SOMEONE DECIDED TO SLEEP AND NOT DREAM.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesdays - Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Xavier University, the first and only Black Catholic College in the United States, opened in New Orleans, LA in 1915.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
Don't go where your life takes you. Take your life where you want to go.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sunday - A Look into the Mind of Glenn
Stop acting as if your dead.....
If Back in the day is a burden when you have now grew to Regret your life without giving yourself A self trial. THEN Have your regret,s for not taking that chance to change your life!! . Relax your mind. Let it live for a second because then you will never regret taking more time to take more chances to Change. Embrace Changing your Life. Stop acting as if you are dead.. Live without Regret. How Human of you to do so. -Glenn1966A.D.-
If Back in the day is a burden when you have now grew to Regret your life without giving yourself A self trial. THEN Have your regret,s for not taking that chance to change your life!! . Relax your mind. Let it live for a second because then you will never regret taking more time to take more chances to Change. Embrace Changing your Life. Stop acting as if you are dead.. Live without Regret. How Human of you to do so. -Glenn1966A.D.-
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
WGPR-TV of Detroit, MI, the first Black-owned television station in the United States, began broadcasting on this date in 1975.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
Poverty is a weapon of mass destruction. When basic needs are not met, it creates a sense of neediness which transfers into defeat. Many are living defeated lives because they have developed a sense of unworthiness based on a lifetime of deprivation. It's the way of the world to create callous souls who lack compassion and mercy. The power to defeat all forms of deception lies within. Dig deep into the abyss where you will find the ability and knowledge to defeat all forms of deception in the world. The bread of life is not made from yeast!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sundays - A Look Into the Mind of Glenn
Do you really know how your day will end? I have a load of tool's i put to use everyday . I have a Light that is my guide it is more brighter then the sun, and give me daylight at night. Even i do not know how my day will end. But im blessed to have these tool's to keep me safe, help me Square my action's and stay Level. Imagine having nothing everyday? My question would be to you, How long you been Walking Dead? If you have nothing to offer Life then start with your own Life stop wasting other's with the space you are taking up. Got Light?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Fridays - Natural Vision by Verna Steele
Worth: The goodness, usefulness, or importance of something or somebody, irrespective of financial value or wealth
While in observation mood, I was observing behaviors and mindset of the women I encounter. “Mothers, Aunts, sisters, nieces, children, cousins, co-workers, friends, FB updates and my own”. Just seeing and hearing the cry of the heart that is muted by the state of our mindset(s) has compelled me to scribe about our worth.
On a majority we wear garments of hurt, pain, disappointment, rejection, inability to forgive, guilt, shame, and lack of trust and many more emotions all hidden under layers of self deceptions. Our attire, various types of addictions (sex, food, shopping, drinking, smoking, clubs, hair styles just to name a few) boldness(loud, no one can tell you anything) and sometime reserved behavior, (refuse to speak out) and an inability to commit or care from a wholesome place, this behavior has become our weapon of warfare, and oftentimes (on a majority) the enemy is the “INNER ME”.
The Creation of the woman is priceless. The bible says that God created the woman.
we were created for a purpose and a plan. In the Christian world to say I am a proverbs 31 woman is so cliché’, we often claim that I am a Proverbs 31 woman when in fact Proverbs 31 was written by a woman to her son ( read it again) and it revealed 2 types of women . Which one are you?, Some may answer that they are neither one, or can identify with both. Not truly having the true Identity of who you are
I realized that we need help (women) Our emotions oftentimes speak louder than OUR PRAYERS, OUR DECREES, OUR CONFESSION AND THE VOWS WE’VE MADE. We often time see the trees but forgetting that multiple trees create the forest
Recently, I have been confronted with some of the truth(s) of my past and some of my own behaviors that deceived me into believing that “ALL IS WELL”.
I'm growing and I'm challenging myself to be whole and healed so that I can walk in wholeness...we have developed vices to cope with what needs to exposed, and evicted from our lives.
Our worth can never be limited to the outer appearance, material things, dysfunctional relationship(s), accepting being treated beneath the standards that God set for us,
We were created to Love, Nurture, Inspire, Birth amongst other things and We must realize that we are worthy of Love, Honor, Praise …etc. We must see ourselves through the eyes of God in order to align the truth with our walk. Until we come into the realization of our self worth their will not be a healthy reproduction of woman of worth and the result will be generational bondage and continual dysfunction to the generation to come.
What are we saying to our sisters, daughter, and other young women that look at us for guidance?
What do you see in the mirror of life when you access yourself?
Woman/women be encouraged and spent time with you loving you and facing some of the demons that stand strong in your “inner me” remember you are a woman of worth, you are good, you are beautiful, you are useful, you are important, and most important you are valuable.
Love Verna -
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wednesdays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Crispus Attucks escaped from the clutches of his Massachusetts slaveholder on this date in 1750. In 1770, Attucks was the first person to die in the Boston Massacre. He and over 5,000 Blacks fought in the American Revolution.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give you power " Abraham Lincoln
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Sundays - A Look Into the Mind of Glenn
So if today, you have went to church or prayed, Lord take this Thing From me? Or You told God you have Given it all to him! Then why are you still mad? Gods word is his BOND. Trust in it! Let GOD do GOD. You worry about your Faith in God.~
Friday, October 7, 2011
Fridays - Natural Vision by Verna Steele
A lesson not learned, is a lesson repeated
"A lesson not learned is a lesson repeated", I heard this phrase years ago and instantly began to apply it to my life. Not only did I grab hold to the revelation, but I searched the matter out and went a little further by adding, ”The lessons that we learn doesn't have to come from our own experience” There are a few principles that we must apply to our life in order be effective in learning life lessons that doesn't cause negative effects on our lives...
1. Be vigilant: watchful and alert, especially to guard against danger, difficulties,
or errors
2. Practice listening: to pay attention to something and take it into account
Don’t judge another, thinking that the same thing won’t happen to you.
3. Be transparent: completely open and frank about your experiences (failed
and triumph) so that awareness can guide them especially the youth
In our lives especially through misguided teachers (often parents/peers) we have been told to keep things to ourselves, don’t share, what goes on this house stays in this house” to a degree this information is accurate, yet on the other hand these statements have caused generational curses to conditional, dysfunctional behaviors, and destruction to the soul of those that vow not to tell. We’ve made excuses for the behavior of others. “That’s just who they are or how they are”.
At some point we must take the time to re evaluate the decisions we make, the behavior we display, the consequences of our actions, not only to ourselves but to those that love us and those that we are accountable to. Spouses, Children, Parents and others. We must become sober thinkers and reactors not a people that assume without accessing….. Search out the truth and began to apply it.
Another Definition for insanity is, to do the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result….
Right !!!...
At the end of each scribe, my hearts desire is that something I say, something I reveal with cause someone to re evaluate, ponder, and shift in their thinking. If 1 person is changed that my scribing is not in vain.
Love you much.
Keep growing and put God first !
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wednesays Black Historical Facts with Brandy Williams
Bessie Smith, renowned blues singer, died from injuries due to a car accident in Clarksdale, MS, on this date in 1937. She, along with Scott Joplin and Duke Ellington, is credited with bringing jazz and blues to major Northern cities in the 1920's.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson
Who are you and what do you represent? We are always examples in our environment, whether positive or negative!! REPRESENT...do it Righteously!!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sundays A Look Into the Mind of Glenn
Did the youngest of father,s & mother,s know that the heart of the child not only pump,s their blood. But also the do the Will & Trust of them that call them self Parent,s. The Title was more then Sperm & Breast Milk. Young People!! It is Life Blessed by God. Honor it for you only offend your Children if you dont. ~ Glenn1966A.D.~
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