Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sundays - a Look into the Mind of Glenn

It is like this , if you dont believe something no one can change your mind. If you have no faith in something no one can change your heart. If you dont believe in yourself no one can accept you as you are. If you can believe that christ died for you, then your mind, your faith, and your heart is secure. --Glenn1866A.D.--

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Are you or someone else in need of prayer?




Brandy Williams - Wednesdays Black Historical Facts

 Larry Doby and "Bullet" Joe Rogan, Negro League pitchers, were inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame on July 26th 1998.
  In 1980: A. P. Abourne invented the refining coconut oil process.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson

" I'm learning that my life reflects who I am, and it is not about the people I encounter! Wise people attract wise people and foolish people catch up with their crowd! "  
By Mackey Thompson

Monday, July 25, 2011

Speaking this week!

I will be the Speaker this Wednesday at First Pentecostal. 
Service is at 7pm

Rest in Peace Anita Pearl Mackey

Our condolences toTruth and Justic Mackey; today she and her family are mourning the loss of her sister-in-law Anita Pearl Mackey, wife of Roger(Popeye). 
Services will be held at:
Smith and Thomas Funeral Home..
212 N 2nd Ave., Maywood, Ill. 60153. 
Visitation: Wednesday July 27,2011 4pm-8pm. 
Homegoing Services: Thursday, July 28,2011 10am-11:30am
Peace and Love,
Glenn Lewis and The Wilcox Street Family

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sundays- A Look Into the Mind of Glenn - THE BOX

The box is Good for great memories of the Past. We visit for awhile then close the box back up. We take useful traditions out and seed them. ~Amen~ 
But as we grow that box gets Deeper. Becareful not to get pulled into the box. You can get trapped in the Past. Even Light cannot escape the Darkness of The Box Mentality. ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Friday, July 22, 2011

Don't forget this weekends Events!

TJhana Trunk Party

23 July · 14:00 - 21:00
Location is Sharon Lynns Home

Stop by and show them some love!

Love and Peace,

Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Brandy Williams - Wednesdays Black Historical Facts

The first victory in the Korean War was won 
by Black troops (24th Infantry Regiment) who captured 
Yechon on this date in 1950.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson

"The essence of a person is exhibited in the life they live! Actions speak louder than words and the true quality of life is based on your works!!" 
By Mackey Thompson

Monday, July 18, 2011


TJhana Trunk Party

23 July · 14:00 - 21:00
Location is Sharon Lynns Home

Stop by and show them some love!

Love and Peace,

Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sundays - A Look Into the Mind of Glenn

You Found God again? God was not Lost you were...

The human mind has caught up to the soul within . Fear of the unknown have found the way back to Faith. We have regain our Trust In God. Lost was the Soul who spent time trying to have God Trust in them. God is All Seeing and knowing. It was us with the issue. That Miracle is well earned brother's and Sister's. In God We Trust.....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Do YOU have a birthday coming up?

If you our someone from Wilcox has a birthday coming up, let us know and we will add you to the list of monthly birthdays!

Peace and Love
Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family

Events coming up soon!!!

ALL WHITE Birthday Celebration 

for Ray, Melvina, Pepa and Twan's
July 30, 2011  At 3840 W. Madison
$10.00 Free Food & Great Music. 

Stop by and show them some love!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who is your President?

Some people on the soil of this nation claim that The President is not theirs, I'm here to say, that is a valid argument if your are NOT American. If you are American the President of the United States is yours. Register to vote, no matter what anyone proclaims, you CAN make a difference. If you believe it you can achieve it. Lets bring political pride back into our Communities. Arguments are valid once you register to have your Vote counted so your voice can be heard.


Brandy Williams - Wednesdays Black historical facts

Texas Congresswoman, Barbara Jordan, became the first Black person to give the keynote address at a national political convention by speaking at the Democratic National Convention on this date in 1976.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Truth and Justice Tuesdays with Mackey Thompson

"We have to be to others, what we want them to be to us. If we want friends, we must show ourselves friendly. If we want to be loved, then we must show love to others. If we want to be respected, then we must respect others." By Mackey Thompson

Monday, July 11, 2011

Congratulations Monae!

Congratulations to one of our own Wilcox young adults, Monae will be attending UIC this fall!

We are all proud of you and this great accomplishment!

See the video on the side bar that was made just for her!

Love and Peace
Glenn and the Wilcox Street Family

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sundays - A Look Into the Mind Of Glenn

We are teaching our children to do unto other's as you would have them to do unto you. But as we live each day in the REAL WORLD that is not so true. Truth is some that sit in a seat of power from King's, Queen, President's the People have a right to vote in some cases the Change it takes to take them out of office. 
But in our social Networking , family and communities. These so- Called Pillar's got cracks in them. They Play God. They abuse the power they have. They Lie, Hurt, And Misuse that power. Not to me what is worse is when Other's that claim that they will Change the SYSTEM from within for the greater Good don't keep their word. We ask the same Question of them as we ask of our Leader's .   

WTF Happened. ? Where is your Honor? no excuses, No Hoodwinking, No Back Sliding! When you see them Coward Down you ask. Is your Soul to Treat Mankind with Respect worth Selling out? Oh then they get personal, they get Pissed. Because the truth is. They Rather be a Part of something to look Big shot or to Impress other's that seem to believe that the cause you are a part of have a History of Honor, truth and a valid standing in our Communities.  but what about those Little secrets of the Harm and Hurt you done in the Dark that you don't want to come to light? Ask the question not to them but to the one's they Hurt. 

I have seen so many Walk away head's down shocked , lost, hurting.  But even in the time when they pain the most. Mankind have shown the Wounded believe that what don't kill them makes them stronger.  I also found that that is a Con that has been played on their mind's to keep them from Exposing the wrong done to them. 

People have given away their soul's to settle with big companies that should be shut down. but me in my Opinion got to fight. I couldn't take a settlement to shut my mouth. I rather die then to sell my soul and Honor to Protect some else honor who tried to take from me what i earned. That is to me the most Honorable self respecting thing i can do for myself and other's as well. To turn the other cheek after both been slapped is ignorant. You should not have to fall for the Con when you see those that Said they have Honor showed no Honor. 

Speak Up people. Speak Out. speak the truth. That is the real change.  Once you do that then I believe time has shown us that it can take the power of ONE . that one voice that stood up opened the Door to Freedom for those that were harmed before you. And sat a stage to protect those that come after you. You can then live a clean Free Life without care . Knowing that you really done the right thing. 

Don't get me wrong people, I understand some folk's Get hurt that are innocent . I never want to cause any Of Mankind heart ache. But sometimes The Big Pay Back, can hit harder then you think. I love it when those that hurt you assume that your silence is Fear. My silence is like a virus you cannot smell it or taste it 


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Up Coming events for next weekend!

Come and Celebrate with Deidre Brown for her Birthday

Date : July 17th
Time: 3pm - 6pm
Location: 4140 W Washington

Make sure you stop by to show her some love!

Peace and Love,
Glenn and the Wilcox Street Family

Friday, July 8, 2011

Events happening on the block this weekend!

Don't forget, these events going on this weekend!

Monae's Trunk Party will be held Saturday, July 9th 2011 at 2821 W Wilcox Street @ 3PM to 7PM.

Ren Ren
Birthday Celebration for Ren-Ren on Saturday, July 9, 2011 in the back of 2857 W Wilcox Street.

They will be attending the cemetery (address to be posted soon) that morning and the celebration will follow right afterwards. 

This is an all day event. Wearing all white.

Much Love and Peace,

Here's a sneak peak .....

Of whats to come each and every Tuesday there will be...............

Truth and Justice Tuesday with Mackey Thompson. 

Prepare yourself for biblical, practical and philosophical input! Great words for you to think on and use to change your life for the better!

Here is a sample of what you will see each Tuesday :
"Faith is the hope of those things unseen!! Stop relying on what you can see and lean on the power of the Most High!! You cant see Him, but He is there!!" By Mackey Thompson

Stop by each Tuesday and show Truth and Justice some love!

Love and Peace,

Glenn and The Wilcox Street Family

Head's Turn Upward Toward Heaven

Every String of the heavenly Harp is being played. Grace and Mercy is the Cry from the Angel's. ear's that do not hear give them a Chance Lord. Silence and Vibration has Calmed. Only the heart will hear the blast of The trumpet and then the Ground of Earth will Stop as all Head's Turn Up-Ward Toward Heaven. So Mote It Be --Glenn1966A.D.--

By Glenn E. Lewis· written on Saturday, 28 May 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Buffy's Quotes

Stop by and check out Buffy's quotes all week long!

Love and Peace
Glenn and Wilcox Street Family

Monday, July 4, 2011

Pictures of your family and friends

Happy 4th everyone! I hope you all had a great day today celebrating our countrys independance!

I will be working on updating BOTH videos on this page, so please send me your pictures to my email, for either of the Wilcox Street Videos on the blog by July 11th. Once I have received all the pictures I will update both videos so everyone has their own pictures and their loved ones included.

Much Love and Peace
Glenn Lewis and Wilcox Street Family

New Video

Stop by and check out the new video I posted on the blog, obituaries and pictures.

Gone but not forgotten friends and family

Love and Peace
Glenn and Wilcox Street Family

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!

I hope you all have a very Happy 4th of July today!

Be safe and have a happy and healthy day today!

Remember Our Independence is what makes us who we are in this great Nation. Celebrate our Independence today, We're Proud to be Americans!

Much Love and Peace

Upcoming events this coming weekend on the Block!

Don't forget, these events going on this weekend!

Monae's Trunk Party will be held Saturday, July 9th 2011 at 2821 W Wilcox Street @ 3PM to 7PM.

Ren Ren
Birthday Celebration for Ren-Ren on Saturday, July 9, 2011 in the back of 2857 W Wilcox Street.

They will be attending the cemetery (address to be posted soon) that morning and the celebration will follow right afterwards. 

This is an all day event. Wearing all white.

Much Love and Peace,

Friday, July 1, 2011


I'm so excited to start this new blog for all of us to be able to share with each other on our own blog! Please feel free to send me and email ( see my link on this page ) so I can post birthdays, birth announcements, graduations, parties, any event you would like to have posted on this blog :).... also feel free to send me any pictures or videos that you may want shared on this blog as well. Please remember to keep everything you want posted or shared clean, people of all ages will be coming to this blog so I want to keep this blog friendly to all ages and respectful. I hope to hear form all here on this blog and that you send me lots of things to post and keep everyone informed on what is going on in YOUR lives :)
