Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

Self Love is the beginning of ALL Love!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sundays with Glenn

Your seed is planted in your mind. Yes you have knowledge. Yes you can speak and communicate on things. But why cant i see the real you? Because of the Lie!!! Living outside of Gods Plan For You. Like the Holy then Thou hell raiser. They can Quote the Bible . They shout the Loudes. But why are they so mean and cruel? Because Gods Word shall not return Void. So when things dont workout the way they wish. They blame it on the wrong Prayers or issues. The Prayer and Word of God is never at Fault. The one praying is the Fault. Having the Seed Planted in your mind must be feed. Given Water. Studied. Meditated on. Fast on. So that the Words of God and Prayers TAKE ROOT and Grow a Great Harvest of Faith in the Heart. God seeded the Earth and put Everything upon it . The Seed did its job. No matter how Tiny the seed the tree grew and gave fruit with more Seeds within. That is why we are able to do all things threw Christ. Because once Seeded in our minds the Word take Root. And your blessings and Prayers produce. And we are a witness the Fruit is Sweet not Sour. Our body and soul are rooted Amen. ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

God has a school called Life and there are some courses that you are gonna have to take! It is mandatory to your development that you engage fully in the curriculum assigned to you. Your mental, emotional, and physical health depend on it. Don't be a dropout, pass the test and move on to the level!

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

What is Love? Is it a fleeting feeling one experiences when looking at beautiful things? Is it the butterflies you get in your stomach from the euphoria of infatuation, or is the constant that you experience when you look at people and things as valuable entities?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sundays with Glenn

Well it is Fall Season here in Arizona the leaves are changing and falling . Dont you just admire the Beauty of Mother Nature? When have you just literally stopped to look at the Earth the Moon the Stars? Let the rain or Snow fall upin your face. Feel the Sun pure Heat. Listen and water the Water wave. Walk bare foot in grass. Blow a dandoliine. Pick a flower. We are Edens Children still covering the Naked Flesh. But Naked is the Earth in some Places and the beauty of Earth dont need a Make Over or New Hair Style. Yet with the Beauty of us Human Being we still look within the Image of Others Opinion of Beautiful. The Tree the Flower the Water is only Natures way to show us the tree never look at its Roots because the Water feeds it. The wind and critters feed and spead the flowers. Water cuts and dig Earth Landscape spreading her Beauty. All of Earth Reach towards Heaven. Trees do. Flowers Do. Water makes Clouds so it do as well. Naked is Nature so should we be Spiritually . And reach towards Heaven. What was here before mankind still teaches Man the basic. Hiding in our Flesh while hiding behind the Truth. ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesdays Black Historical facts with Brandy Williams

Coleman Alexander Young, was the first Black mayor of Detroit, MI, and past President of the U.S. 
Conference of Mayors,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sundays with Glenn

As you look within the mirror. Think of the Word ENOUGH!!! Because this will be the chest game that will decide the fate of your New year. Amazing how this day every year bring about the so called Need & Want Idea. The energy the prayers the Will if mankind is in the Enough Phase. Have you had enough? Be careful when you answer. Much more of several things are needed in our life. Prayer, faith, Love, humanity the list is endless there isn't enough of these choices. Shamefully we hear more of the negative Enough idea state of mind. These vices and habits should be replaced with the Positive State of mind. Go into the New Year with Praise. Go into the new year with Thanks. Go into the New Year with Love understanding. Go into the New Year with an open heart. Leave the Negative state of Mind in 2011. I will see you all Next Year. Im looking forward to the Positive Self Image Mankind is Capable of Having. I pray your health. Your children. Your Families your Job and every thing around you reap the Harvest of the Positive Seed you let take Root in your Heart. So Mote It Be my Blessed Wilcox Family & Friends. Lean on God to guide us all towards the Goal of Spiritual Knowledge so that we Live as He intended for us. ~Glenn1966A.D.~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Truth and Justice Tuesdays

Sometimes things happen and we dont know why, but there is always a greater mission in the madness. We become complacent and simple minded, but the wisdom of the Lord is never far away! Oh Yes, He has a plan and it is our responsibility to figure out our place in it. Little things can be a catalyst for greater things. We must never negate the power of the Most High and His ability to accomplish His will in our lives. Don't doubt His Word, live by it! For the Just may live by Faith!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday with Glenn


We must stop the fitnah attitude now, no more pre-fitnnah before 2012 people got it bad. Some fitnah stop smoking, fitnah stop drinking, fitnah stop using drugs, fitnah start loosing weight, fitnah start praying, fitnah this and that. Why fool or trick your mind into a pre notion of self-will. Once you have the power to admit that a vice or habit is blocking your progress, waiting until 2012 New years Day will not prolong your ambition. Why not submit NOW!? Take this to Christ and go into 2012 a NEW.

This 'PSI" Positive Self Image can radiate to others around you. It is a fact vanity self pride is on mankind heart during the end of days. He/She is vain, full of self praise and desires to speak more highly of self and give nothing to others around them. Humble ourselves! Stop instantly the vain, vanity, pride, ego. God has a way of flat out humbling you. and trust me, when God go fourth and humble mankind, lighting will strike twice. Remember though shall have no other God including making yourself a idol - God swift without Mercy you will bow down, stripped of all your vanities and have no choice but to confess, Jesus is Lord! NO MORE FITNAH'S - Glenn-

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Years Wilcox Families!!!! Oh im feeling Blessed. I took a Full Dose of Positive Self Image Blessed by the Word into this New Year. The Right NIW is in Full Effect!! I had no need at all to wait until Midnight. One Second Past musnight would of been one second to late. I didnt even know if God was going to let me see today. I was ready no matter what his plan was. Being saved will do that to you. The Seed God planted in me was ready and had taken Root in my heart. I started feeding it and giving the seed light. So i took this gift into the New Year. I pray so did you. The Fitnah attitude was all on Facebook. So many People claimed they was Fitnah Do This And Fitnah Do that. When God Planted you with that Seed you should of Started Right then. And would of Taken it into 2012. Blessed is the heart that take root in the Word and Obey. God Is!! Happy Newyear ~GlennRooted1966A.D.~